Childhood hyperactivity treated with alternative therapies

There are many children who have a daily frenetic activity, they don't stop running, jumping, playing, they don't pay attention when parents talk to them or they lack concentration. This disorder of neurological origin affects 5% of children on the planet, causing them above all an attention deficit that can affect both academic activities and simple and daily tasks.

Some parents believe that there are other alternatives to medication and in fact there are, childhood hyperactivity can be treated with alternative therapies.

One of the alternatives would be the use of music therapy, according to Pamela Mayer Schmitt, music therapist and psychopedagogue, this science helps to work in the internal world of the child and in their modes of expression. Music can be perceived and received both emotionally and cognitively, that is, in a body, mind and emotion space simultaneously. Thanks to music, the child learns to know his limitations, the space and the concept of himself. Another suitable therapy would be yoga, through their exercises the child can relax. Yoga works the breathing and helps to relax the nervous system, with the appropriate exercises and games it is possible that the child acquires a calm and an adequate serenity to banish the attention deficit.

Bach Flower therapy is another alternative that is used so that the child acquires an inner tranquility but without losing the activity. The difference lies in the channeling of energy which focuses and allows a greater concentration. As they say, the treatments with Bach Flowers have no contraindication.

Proposed therapies exist everywhere, but the most important thing is to always try to put yourself in the hands of specialists and use therapies that have been medically certified for the child's well-being.

Video: Behavioral Treatments for ADHD (July 2024).