Recipes for the whole family: cod in sauce, frikadellen, banana ice cream and many more

One more week, like every Thursday, we bring you a new entry for our section of Recipes for the whole family With ideas for children to try our dishes, eat more varied and move away a little from the typical children's menu of batters and chips.

They are recipes made by our companions of Direct to the Palate and Vitónica and today we will have magnificent recipes of dish and some desserts to give a little variety.

First courses

  • Toasted scallops au gratin on very tasty peppers from La Gabinoteca: (photo) The recipe is very simple and the most important and most entertaining part is the confit of the peppers until you get a kind of jam, a work that must be done patiently and low heat so that the texture is very soft and so that the flavor is a real delight. When you have made the peppers, in five minutes you can prepare this delicious appetizer.
  • Chickpeas with roasted garlic. Easy recipe If you are passionate about garlic like me, but you feel fatal as unfortunately it is my garlic, I encourage you to try to roast it as an alternative to aromatize all kinds of recipes. In these roasted garlic chickpeas we hardly need anything else to have an easy vegetable dish full of aroma and flavor.
  • Main courses

  • Fast chicken and carrot curry with oatmeal cream. Healthy recipe In those occasions in which we have inspiration to cook, some chicken breasts, some vegetables and a pantry with spices will always get us out of trouble. This quick chicken and carrot curry with oatmeal cream is suitable for lactose intolerant and you can become a vegetarian by changing the meat for tofu or seitan.
  • Cod in tomato sauce and green pepper (photo): The coastal areas of the Region of Murcia have in their recipes traditional dishes of cod with tomato, with variants according to the area and the family, although most point to the area of ​​Mazarrón and its port This recipe is humble but no less tasty.
  • Frikadellen recipe, the delicious spicy German hamburgers Look at the name. The frikadellen, the delicious spicy German hamburgers, you will find sometimes with the name of frikadeller or even Castilianized as fricadeles. Even in Denmark they are known as frikadelas. But whatever they are called, these portions of spiced meat are delicious, so I have been encouraged to prepare them.
  • Sweet zone

  • French toast stuffed with cream cheese. Easter Recipe: Torrijas by themselves are already a very caloric and satiating dessert, so transforming them into a kind of sandwich with filling becomes even more energetic. I prefer to divide each final French toast into two portions so as not to get too full, and although it is not a recipe to eat every day, it is worth trying.
  • Pear and Nut Cake: This cake has three layers that combine beautifully. The lower one is a spongy sponge cake dough, the intermediate one is a juicy layer of fruit and the last one is the coating of nuts, which, being crunchy, contrasts with the previous two. I am sure you will like it as much as we do.
  • The typical cake of cookies and chocolate of the birthday of your life: Do you have any birthday in sight? Surely with this cake you are right.
  • Chocolate sponge cake: When I took the mold out of the oven I thought the dough smelled wonderful, but I was totally convinced when my son's friends, who came to snack, and told me it was the softest cake they had ever tasted . Trust the children, when they praise they never lie.
  • Banana ice cream Healthy dessert: an extra easy recipe ideal for when you have a craving for sweet: homemade banana ice cream.
  • Adult zone

  • Strawberry margarita cocktail: Margarita is one of the best known and consumed traditional Mexican cocktails around the world. Today I propose a personal version of strawberry margarita made with natural strawberries that give it a really delicious texture and flavor.
  • And that's all for today. Enjoy these recipes very much and don't forget that next Thursday we will return with more ideas For the dishes of the week.

    Video: Elajjaz Stream Archive - Age of Mythology Marathon 1 @El . . WITH CHAT (July 2024).