The jobs of the future according to Sparks & Honey

There is a phrase from Thomas Frey which says that "60% of the best jobs of the next decade have not yet been invented." Since the phrase is already a few years old, some of those works have already been invented and since the Sparks & Honey Company, specialists in identifying trends, have already dared to collect them and present them to all interested parents and young people.

Among the professions, although the original name is in English, they identify themselves as a microbe balancer, corporate disorganizer or urban pastor. And is that the effects of new technologies, miniaturization, the use of robots makes many professions are being lost while others are going to change and adapt to the new times.

In addition to the works that can be seen in the presentation of Sparks & Honey shared in Slideshare and that is linked below, some of the ones we can comment on Peques and Más are the following:

Corporate disorganizer: It seems that large companies have to be faster and more agile to adapt to the new times. So to achieve that goal it is necessary to break the rigid structures of large companies and encourage collaboration. For children who do not stop learning to work in groups and collaboratively, young people who have good communication and organizational skills can have a great opportunity with this profile.

Digital Detoxification Specialist: As the use of digital technology advances in homes and schools it seems that we run the risk of falling into a sickly use and ending a diagnosis of digital intoxication. So we will have to work on digital rehabilitations although I am not sure how it can be done and sometimes it would seem necessary to do so.

Flexible Studies Advisor: the arrival of the training carried out autonomously, such as the Khan Academy or LasMatemá in Spain, requires that students have to know what are the opportunities, the routes, the knowledge that they can receive in this type of platforms. So the flexible studies counselor will help choose the training path and participate as a mentor directing the student.

Microbe balancer: One of the future challenges is health and disease management. So these types of professionals have to keep the body's microbes balanced through genome research.

Urban shepherd: on our planet there are mega cities and the increase in infrastructure requires that its inhabitants can live in the best possible way, that's why people specialized in the care of gardens, development of sustainable rooftop ecosystems and a healthier life are needed Possible in the cities.

Drone pilot: This is the job I see most specialized for children who drive, have fun, improve and learn with video games. And it is that remote vehicles will have many applications, I hope not only war, and surely professionals will be needed to manage them.

In any case, classical professions such as lawyers, doctors or airplane pilots will still be necessary. So many children can be calm and not feel dizzy before these new challenges and opportunities that appear at full speed and as society evolves.

Video: Concentrating Solar Power Sparks Jobs, Technology, Investment in Morocco (July 2024).