Safety notices for houses with children

When we have young children at home we must maximize safety measures to avoid accidents.

Our house has to be a safe place where children can move freely without risk, especially at the stage where they begin to explore the world and touch everything.

To be calm, in the houses where there are children we have to take into account some safety tips:

  • Do not leave them alone in an unattended room. When they are older, they can be left alone at times, but monitored periodically (they may be doing something they do not consider dangerous but it is)

  • never leave a baby alone in the bathtub

  • Don't overfill the tub. Use the essential water level and always control the water temperature before putting the child in.

  • fencing pools or wells where the child could drown

  • Protect plugs

  • Avoid accidents on the stairs by placing security doors

  • Monitor the use of gas stoves and stoves. Also of vaporizers, if you place one in the children's room, try to place it in a safe place to avoid burns.

  • Do not cook with the child in your arms or leave it alone on the kitchen floor. The ignition oven placed at its height is very dangerous. Remember that the kitchen is the atmosphere of the house where more accidents occur.

  • Do not place the crib at the height of a window and ensure that there are no chairs or stairs near one.

  • place security on the balconies

  • avoid sharp toys, with sharp parts or small parts, as well as avoid using the walker or using it in a completely safe environment (without unevenness on the floor, stairs, carpets or parts that could fall on the baby's head if it hits the walker )

  • protect the tips of the tables with some padded material

  • remove dangerous or toxic products such as knives, cleaning products, medications, alcoholic beverages, as well as buttons, coins or small objects with which it could suffocate.

  • use some security system to avoid accidents with the doors. (We recently talked about a very nice and useful one for all types of doors and windows)

  • have the necessary telephone numbers available in case of emergency (fire, toxic emergencies, doctors, etc.)

It may seem overwhelming to comply with all these safety regulations, but it is important that the house be a safe place for the baby and children. It is not really complicated, once we become aware of the possible risks it is a matter of being alert.

Video: 16 Questions That Could Save Your Childs Life (July 2024).