My baby has gastroesophageal reflux, what can I do?

If shortly after eating, or even while eating, your baby ejects some small puffs of milk, most likely you have gastroesophageal reflux. It is a frequent problem during the first months of a child's life. Do you know why it occurs? And, most importantly, how to fix it?

What is reflux and why does it occur

He gastroesophageal reflux (GER) It occurs frequently in babies. It is typical of first six months of life, and it occurs because the baby's digestive system is still immature. Your body is still developing and, as a consequence, Cannot perform digestive functions correctly.

Reflux occurs when the sphincter that separates the esophagus from the stomach (the cardias) does not close properly, so that part of the intake (consisting of milk sourced by the gastric juices of the stomach) rises through the esophagus and returns from the stomach to the stomach. mouth.


The reflux is manifested by regurgitation: part of the stomach contents comes out again at the corner of the lips.

Infant suffering from gastroesophageal reflux regurgitates often while eating or between take and take, even four or five hours after the last meal.

Although sometimes it is confused with colic, because it can cause agitation and crying, the regurgitation Presents itself at any time of day and continues beyond the third month.

Treatment and measures against reflux

In some cases the reflux resolves spontaneously and in others it requires treatment. In the latter case, the pediatrician may prescribe the child a antacid soft so we can manage it. This medication favors the effect of sphincter in the area of ​​the heart and ends the problem.

In addition to medication, there are others Measures that help the baby control his expulsion reaction:

  • Place your head higher than your stomach when you eat. This will prevent food from returning from the stomach to the mouth with the help of gravity.
  • Feed him in minimum quantities. Excessive feeding worsens vomiting as it is easier for reflux to occur if the stomach is completely full. Decrease the amount of food you give your baby and feed him less and less if necessary.
  • Practice one relaxed breastfeeding Or give the bottle shots calmly and slowly, letting you burp and rest as many times as you need. If he cries, wait until he calms down before continuing to feed him.
  • If we bottle feed, we must use those that are specific and have a suitable nipple and anti-colic valve, very useful for reducing air intake, since gases could make the problem worse.
  • After feeding keep the baby in vertical position for 30 minutes in your arms, you will facilitate its digestion.
  • Avoid squeezing diapers and wearing strong elastic garments in the gut area. The pressure on the stomach It could make the problem worse.
  • Try that rest and relax After each shot. Do not let it agitate to prevent reflux and vomiting.
  • Raise the head of your crib a little, so that gravity helps prevent reflux while you sleep. It is recommended lift the head of the cradle about 45 degrees.

In this situation, we will find a crib like the Next2Me crib, approved from 0 to 6 months, since it allows to use with the inclined base and regulate the inclination to reduce regurgitation. Also, rest in a completely horizontal position with a slightly higher head, help the baby to do digestion well already Breathe better

It is also very practical to make a calm breastfeeding (necessary condition for the reflux to be reduced), and to keep our baby closer and guarded at all times. Breastfeeding becomes much more comfortable and pleasant at night, for both the baby and the mother, and facilitates sleep from both.

In addition, removing the side wall of the crib, we can take care of our baby faster and more effectively If you need us. The Next2Me crib It can be anchored to our bed thus eliminating the physical barriers that separate us from our baby. It also has a grid window so we can observe you while resting during the day.

Following these simple guidelines We will greatly improve the situation of the child. If the problem persists, we should consult our pediatrician again.

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Images | iStock / PORTFOLIO Jean-Philippe / Castenoid / Evgenyatamanenko.

Video: Infant acid reflux: how do you know if your baby has GORD, and how is it treated? (July 2024).