How to make homemade giant bubbles to play with children

One of the things I've been wondering about a lifetime is how they will make the soap from the tubes to make bubbles Do the same, bubbles. It will seem silly but it is not. I've tried everything, dishwashing soap, body wash, shampoo, ultra dishwasher… in short, everything that is supposed to make bubbles but I had never made my bubbles look like a third to the bubbles in the tubes they sell for children.

Looking for a way to make decent bubbles, I found a recipe (yes, you read correctly: recipe) to make giant bubbles, and I thought it could be an exciting activity for children to play outdoors on a hot day.

I have to admit that when I read the recipe I did not have them all with me, the truth is that the ingredients I had never imagined, I thought it would be to find the exact proportion of water + soap but no, this making giant bubbles has a trick and is in the ingredients:

For make giant soap bubbles We need the following (if you think the quantities are too many, you can put half of everything):

12 cups of water (if better distilled, although tap water also works)
1 cup dishwashing soap (preferably not an "ultra" concentrate, although it works just as well)
1 cup cornstarch
2 teaspoons chemical yeast (Royal type)
2 teaspoons of glycerin (there are many online stores where you can find it, the typical pastries have all).


We dissolve the cornstarch in the water and stir well.
Add the rest of the ingredients by mixing gently.
Let stand for at least an hour (stirring occasionally if we see that the cornstarch sits at the bottom of the container).

Once we have our soap mixture to make giant bubbles, we have to do something to create the bubbles. You can use a tennis racket without strings. You can also take 2 drinking straws through which we introduce a rope (6-8 times longer than the length of a straw). We make a knot and we have our rope to make the bubbles.

At home we were testing it and the result was impressive, huge bubbles floated above the houses. It was quite windy so we didn't need to move the ropes to create the bubbles, just take them out of the container with the soap the wind was blowing and huge bright balls formed in the air. Children and not-so-children really enjoyed watching the show.

Video: DIY Bubble Recipe & Giant Wands How To so easy (July 2024).