Not all are news but we have found them: parents who parked their professional career to take care of their children

The definition of "News" It is very simple, it is the story, the construction and the elaboration that refers to a novel or not very common fact.

So following this simple definition, sadly that a man quit his professional career by raising his children is still news in this country and that is what has happened with David Bravo and that is why he has been on the front page of the media for several days.

David Bravo is a lawyer specializing in computer law and intellectual property that opposed the Sinde Law and actively participated in 15M five years ago. David in recent months has been dedicated to politics but now, the news is that he has resigned to run for the next election.

Why does David leave his professional career?

Simple, he has acknowledged that he does it because he is going to share the custody of his son and yes, he is surprised that this media noise has occurred because he has made it public since David, like anyone who knows how to see reality, recognizes that it is something that women do, we do, permanently without noise and without fanfare and the fact that a man does it seems to turn the gesture into something heroic, something that has surprised him.

Many are the women who stop working for at least the first year of their child's life, as many are also those who are forced to reduce their day to be able to raise their child or children.

That is why the decision of David Bravo has been news in numerous newspapers during the last days because the figures of men who take these same measures fall sharply, they are not significant, they are not usual ... are they not?

Other stories of parents

José María has been a father of twins since 2011, the fact that he decided that nursery schools were not going to enter his family organization meant that when his partner finished his maternity leave they will decide that he would request a reduction in working hours as a designer in a newspaper .

Since then he works in the afternoon and takes care of

"Morning shift: breakfast, school, shopping, cooking, meals, pediatrician ... and in the afternoon everything stays in the hands of the mother. Conciliation I think they call him. Lie fits more to reality."

He is clear that "what is in this country is sacrifice" in general on the part of the mothers but more and more on the part of fathers committed to the upbringing of their children and who have to joke with macho tone phrases like "why do you want the reduction, isn't the mother?" and others even more insulting.

Because even we live in a society in which it is assumed that the role of caregiver in the family has to be that of women and that is something very unfair and far from reality more and more thanks to attitudes like those of these parents and others.

"Giving visibility to these cases serves to try to normalize this and show that men also have to comply with their 100%. I do not want to be an example of anything, nor am I better than anyone but I do want cases of men dedicated to care and upbringing of their children and that they take measures of concialition with all normality. Without medallions or applause. "

Daddy Crab, which you can find in TW, has a personal story more or less coincident with that of David Bravo but of course, he has not been the cover of the media for it.

He is autonomous but his main client required him to work more hours in his office. When your partner (obviously "Mom Crab") He returned to his post after maternity leave, he told his client that work would be done from home because he had to take care of his baby (yes, of course "Baby Crab").

The client accepted and from that moment he works at home all the time although he has finally had to leave because he demanded a dedication that he could not give him since his priority was to take care of his baby.

With his first son, however, he was unemployed and when his partner returned to work he dedicated himself to taking care of the child: “I do not regret anything, seeing my children grow has been the best of my life” Recognize today. It is also true that according to his words “I do this because my partner has a steady and stable job” something that is valued at this time more than the economic amount of the salary that enters the house, that is undeniable.

Adrián, has lived a similar situation although with some nuances. He left his job when his daughter was born but at four months he was working in another company because the family economic situation required it, both his wife and he left work and he was called to work so he did not more to say.

“I think it's great his initiative - Adrián says about the resignation of the deputy of Podemos, David Bravo - but the truth is that in these things the personal-economic situation of each one depends a lot. But go ahead my applause to this man because many others, in their situation or in a much better position yet, neither dare nor plan to do so. ”

And another David was also somewhat forced by circumstances to make a decision in which raising his children was one of his priorities. David was fired in his company and took the opportunity to take care of his children and undertake something completely different from what he had done so far, work from home to "To be able to do what I liked, earn a living and spend more time with the kids".

The eternal search for conciliation

It is clear that the case of Deputy David Bravo is not an isolated case, although it is also undeniable that It is mostly the woman, the mother, who lives the problem of the lack of work and family reconciliation.

Can reducing the working day or changing the time zone be the solution to the problem, as some political party poses in the face of the next elections or perhaps public education is more effective since the age of zero and change the paternity and maternity leave making them both 18 weeks, to try to prevent it from being so complicated to hire a woman and reduce the inequality gap?

That much remains to be done is evident, that the case of David Bravo is no exception although it has been news during these days it is also. Because every day there are more parents like José María, Adrián, David or "Papá Cangrejo" who along with their families decide to park their professional career to devote most of their time to raising their children. It is a step towards that coveted equality when it comes to forming a family in this country that we are all looking for.

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