Bikram yoga and pregnancy: you can continue practicing it if you did it before, like Patricia Montero

Actress Patricia Montero She is in her eighth month of pregnancy and continues to exercise regularly.

In fact, she is a great defender of physical activity to keep fit also during pregnancy, even if it involves harsh criticism.

A month after giving birth he has returned to speak when defending on social networks 'bikram yoga', a discipline that has been practicing for years. We have asked the experts and they agree: It can be practiced during pregnancy, but only if it was done before.

A "very hot" discipline

Patricia Montero became a famous face especially from her participation in the series 'I am Bea', but the truth is that her life is linked to physical exercise: she studied classical ballet and became champion of Spain and runner-up of Acrobatic Dance Europe.

In addition, she is the author of the book 'Put your inner self in shape', where she says that exercising is one of the three fundamental pillars to achieve it.

In Babies and more Exercising during pregnancy would reduce the probability of suffering from diseases and complications up to 40%

And practice by example, as can be seen in this video that she has published, doing prenatal yoga.

Connecting with the present, ready for a 2019 full of illusions and challenges. #YogaMom # 32weeks #PrenatalYoga #PregnantYogi #Yoga # 3rdtrimester #Pregnant #Yogi # Welcome2019 #MyYogaLife #Yogini

And with these credentials, their posts on Instagram adopting different asanas during their second pregnancy do not go unnoticed.

We already told you about the criticisms he received for adopting a difficult yoga posture during pregnancy because it could harm the baby.

In Babies and moreA yoga pose by Patricia Montero unleashes the controversy: can it harm the baby you expect?

And now he is again the center of controversy for posting photos on his Instagram account practicing birkram yoga in his advanced state of gestation. And, accompanied by a defense of this discipline that, as he explains, has been practicing for 7 years and that now in pregnancy brings many benefits.

It is curious that since I am pregnant I endure the heat better in the classes of #BikramYoga Now I practice calmer and serene, a very common state in pregnant women, I show myself less demanding and feel the need to be much more concentrated. In this way I have the feeling of having a better performance, of getting less tired and the feeling of well-being is even greater. In addition to the amazing connection I get with my baby. I think that after 7 years of practicing, #embarazo is making me learn even more from this #Yoga discipline and how our mind can influence everything we do. We are much stronger than we think and the power of the mind over us is incredible. In addition to that the series adapted for pregnant women of #Bikram greatly reduces the intensity of the practice. #Namaste #PrenatalYoga #Yogi #PregnantYogi #YogaMom # 8months #bikrampregnancy #MyYogaLife #YogaMama #YogiMom

What do the experts think?

Although there are different opinions about how long you have to practice this modality of yoga to continue exercising with her during pregnancy, they do agree that the pregnancy is not the ideal stage to start trying it.

This is also stated by Sara Peñil, a certified teacher by Bikram Choudhury, and a teacher at the Bikram Yoga Santander center. who indicates a minimum of six months of practice before becoming pregnant. And specifies that:

"During the first trimester it is better to leave the practice and resume it in the second trimester, if there are no complications in pregnancy."

The expert also highlights the benefits of yoga, which:

"It generates a special connection between the mother and the baby, in addition to working and toning the joints, muscles and ligaments. It also prepares the body for childbirth and helps a lot in postpartum recovery."

But yes, "the practice during pregnancy should be less intense avoiding forcing too much" and you have to practice "a modified series of birkram yoga for pregnant women, since they cannot practice the original series".

Nor does it see any problem in its main feature: that it is done in a closed room at 40 degrees of temperature, since "It is common in summer in many Spanish cities where they live pregnant and it is no problem."

And he gives us one last tip:

"You have to hydrate very well before practicing birkram yoga, whether or not you are pregnant."

What does it consist of and what benefits does it have?

It is a variety of yoga founded by Bikram Choudhury, a multimillionaire Hindu, 'yoga guru', who invented 26 special poses or asanas based on traditional yoga.

In Babies and more, seven yoga poses for pregnant women: asanas recommended for the third trimester

The peculiarity is that it is practiced in a closed room at a temperature of 40 degrees for 90 minutes. Hence it is also known as 'hot yoga'.

Because of the heat, Women who practice Bikram Yoga avoid injuries and eliminate toxins quickly and healthily.

The postures work by stretching and strengthening muscles, ligaments and joints, and would prepare the body for childbirth. The muscles of the lower back and feet are especially worked, which are kept warm, thus avoiding so frequent pains in the gestation stage. In addition, strength, balance and flexibility are acquired.

Bárbara Díaz, director of Birkram Yoga Castellana, also defends the practice of the modified series during pregnancy "with medical autotization and if there is no risk pregnancy". And point out these specific health benefits of the future mom:

  • It reduces anxiety, stress and helps improve sleep and rest.

  • Eliminates toxins from the body and helps digestions.

  • Regulates blood pressure and sugar levels decreasing the risk of diabetes and high blood pressure during pregnancy.

  • Regulates hormones and emotions, reducing mood swings, nausea and dizziness.

  • Improves circulation and reduces fluid retention.

  • Increases the strength and flexibility of the muscles and joints involved in childbirth.

  • Improves posture and back discomfort common in pregnant women.

  • Reduces the risk of premature births.

But also warns that "Every woman is different and it is mandatory to consult the doctor before practicing pregnant Bikram Yoga."

And if you practice it, do not forget to always listen to your body, and more at this very delicate and special stage: "Never force it or take your practice to extreme situations during pregnancy."

And you do you think? You practice? We would like to know your opinion and experience.

Photos | Instagram Patry Mnntero

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