Intestinal microfiber in children is restored with Bivos, a probiotic with Lactobacilus GG

I have attended the live presentation of the product BIVOS, a probiotic with Lactobacilus GG, whose objective is the restoration of the intestinal flora balance in acute diarrhea processes. And, according to the doctors who attended the event, treatment with probiotics is currently one of the main therapeutic and preventive measures for infants and young children.

In the event they explained to us that the Lactobacillus GG helps maintain the balance of intestinal flora which can be altered by external agents such as antibiotic treatments, depending on the duration and quantity, or by diseases caused by viruses (the rotavirus is the most frequent) and that cause acute diarrhea or food poisoning. It seems that the intestinal flora could be considered, because of its importance, as one more organ in the human being, it is found in the large intestine or colon, our body has the ability to regenerate it and when they are babies they build their flora from milk provided by the mother.

According to experts, at least one child in five (20%) in antibiotic treatment will develop a secondary diarrhea. Therefore, treatments with probiotics, composed of live bacteria, allow that consumed in adequate amounts, improve intestinal microbial balance. The success of Bivos is that it includes an adequate strain, sufficient quantity and the ability for bacteria to arrive alive and active to the colon.

The product Bivos It is manufactured by Ferring, whose General Director, Dr. Juan Carlos Aguilera, explained that his laboratory is specialized in pediatric products. He explained that they have worked on a presentation of the product thinking that mothers and fathers can take it away from home to administer it to the child, that it can be mixed with liquids or taken directly, that it has no flavor and that it is able to be preserved without special cares. The presentation is easy to open and with a retail price of 99 euro cents. The recommended dose, always prescribed by pediatricians, is one envelope per day. It comes in boxes of 10 envelopes, which contain lyophilized powder, which is stored at room temperature and does not contain gluten or dairy products.

In the event they were present, you can see in the image from left to right, Dr. María Jesús Pascual Marcos, Child Gastroenterology Specialist of the Nisa Pardo de Aravaca Hospital Unit, Dr. José García Sicilia, Pediatrician of the Hospital Paz de Madrid, Primary Care Pediatrics Coordinator and President of the Pediatric Society of Madrid and Castilla la Mancha and Dr. Juan Carlos Aguilera, General Director of Ferring.

Between the messages that parents like to hear because they give us confidence and security, it was indicated that BIVOS® is presented in the appropriate concentration of living microorganisms, 6,000 million, which, according to numerous studies, allow the restoration of the balance altered by external agents. That the probiotics are of human origin, that they are harmless, that resist the technological manufacturing processes, that are stable against acids and bile, that have adhesion capacity to the epithelial tissue and that manage to survive in the intestinal tract. It was also indicated that although some yogurts or other products claim to include probiotics in their composition, not all probiotics are the same and, above all, the concentration used is not always the most appropriate. They also recommended it for the elderly in specific cases, such as diarrhea that can happen to the traveler.

The product It is sold in pharmacies, the pediatrician prescribes and it still does not have a page on the Internet that explains or extends more details for parents although they informed us that it would be published soon. Meanwhile they have left us an image of the pet that we loved. We encourage laboratories to develop it as a stuffed animal because surely many children would like to punch it out.

As we always say in Peques and More Any intestinal disturbance in children, especially young children, should be assessed and treated by a pediatrician..

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