Perinatal psychotherapy, online maternity care service

It seems clear that the emotional health of women during pregnancy, and then in the puerperium and their adventure as a mother is of vital importance, and yet it is neglected both at medical and social level in general. Hence the importance of a resource such as Perinatal Psychology, an online psychotherapeutic care service in times of crisis related to pregnancy, childbirth, puerperium and parenting.

Those responsible for the website are two mothers, psychologists, committed to the world of motherhood and parenting, with extensive training and professional experience. To serve women who wish, email is used to start treatments. Each shipment and its response requires the payment of a certain amount, which may vary if a “pack” of several mails is taken to present your case.

During the communication via email, you will see the need and the possibility of arranging a session by chat or by phone, even a face-to-face session is not ruled out (they have their offices in Barcelona and San Sebastián).

This resource may interest those women who, for whatever reason, have no chance of receiving psychological help otherwise, and need support. Of course, it is not closed to the consultation of men, although its creators recognize that most of the people who participate requesting help in these cases are women.

Especially aimed at those women who, due to geographical impossibility, cannot go to a physical office, or who find it more convenient to consult from their computer anywhere, or if they want to try before launching a face-to-face treatment, and even if there is a shyness problem, this route would be easier.

Therefore Perinatal psychotherapy has seemed like a resource that could help many women during pregnancy or parenting, to resolve doubts, to clarify feelings, to raise concerns ...

Video: Perinatal Emotional Distress: Training for Health Care Providers (July 2024).