Life is a thousand colors, small: how to teach him to distinguish them and have fun

We, as adults, have seen our life go by and in it thousand colors: gray days, green flowers, red sunrises, yellow suns. Life is a wonderful rainbow and the little one will want to immerse himself in it and in that special magic that he sees around him dyed in different shades.

Yes, according to experts, the child can learn to identify colors from 18 months. Until then he sees them, they call his attention, especially red or green, and check that his surroundings are different in shapes, tone, space and weight.

The best way to internalize the colors and its variations are through imitation: it is we who must teach you to discriminate some colors from others. Thus he learns to differentiate them and can begin to attribute chromatic qualities to objects.

It will not be something fast, it can take 4 months or 12, you will be wrong, you will continue to confuse them with 3 years but it is our responsibility to indicate the way forward, for example, repeating the name of a color and pointing to objects that contain it.

A video that has been very didactic for me and that the little one loved it for its movement, its colors and its didactic capacity was the video of the colors that you will easily find on You Tube

We also have special iPhone apps such as the Color Monster in which children learn colors in a fun way.

As for toys, the boot-to-boot ball is ideal. It is a ball with 3 options: learning, music and imagination. With it our little one will be able to discover colors, numbers, opposites and learn to count.

What else can we do to have fun, teach and have fun?

Adventures of a thousand colors

  • He game of the pieces: Play with him to take objects from the house that are the same color. Start with the red and you are stacking them in one place.

  • I see, I see chromatic. What do you think about readjusting the traditional "I see, I see" to learn colors? Instead of asking him to find something that starts with A, do it with the colors.

  • He color day. Choose a color every day, dress him in that tone and try that all the activities of the day are related to that color: eat a green salad, green beans. Do not stop repeating the color throughout the day.

-Scarf party. Fill a bag with handkerchiefs of different colors and go asking him to take out a red one and put it on his head, a blue one and tie it on his foot, a green one and tie it to his knee, a yellow one around his neck ... it will be An unforgettable and fun day.

-Yellow + blue = green. Buy finger paint of the three basic colors (blue, yellow and magenta) and let your child experience what happens when the colors are mixed.

In Happy Learning Space | We learn together the 13 month. New menus for the little new adventures!

Video: Melanie Martinez - K-12 The Film (July 2024).