Sex during pregnancy, trimester to trimester

Far from that myth has been left that said that during pregnancy it is not advisable to have sex, so it could harm the baby. I say it's been far because now practically everyone knows that sex during pregnancy, and unless medical indication, it can remain as always.

The only variations may occur depending on the trimester of pregnancy, since at the beginning there may be some symptoms on the part of the pregnant woman and in the end possible discomforts due to the size of the gut or fatigue. To know these changes and variations we will see how it is sex during pregnancy, trimester to trimester.

Sex in the first trimester of pregnancy

The first trimester of pregnancy is the one that follows sexual intercourse that resulted in the same pregnancy. Depending on how these last moments were, the thing can improve a lot (if there were nerves, impatience and desire to get pregnant) or not change so much (if the couple was in a phase of simply doing if the baby wanted to come: " if it arrives, it arrives "). By improving I mean that once the pregnancy has been confirmed, many couples finally relax, forgetting pregnancy as a goal and dedicating more to enjoy.

On the other hand, some women prefer to avoid it, either because they prefer not to take risks (fear that something may happen), because they are not at all well, because of fatigue, nausea and vomiting or because they just did not see that Pregnancy and sex are two words that can be joined.

The reality is that if the pregnancy passes normally there are no risks to avoid and you can maintain relationships without problems. There are also women who, by improving the irrigation of the pelvic organs, have more sensitivity and more easily reach orgasm.

Sex in the second trimester of pregnancy

It is usually the stage in which women enjoy sex the most, because when crossing the threshold of the first trimester pregnancy is more consolidated and fears let imagination and pleasure run free. In addition, in the second trimester the belly is still not too large and many of the symptoms that bothered so much have almost disappeared (as a general rule).

In the second trimester, the baby's movements, kicks, hiccups, etc. are beginning to be noticed, and the mother becomes even more aware of her presence. This means that there are mothers who care about their health and think again about whether making love can affect them in any way. As we have commented above, still totally safe, because the baby is totally isolated from the outside (the mucous plug closes the entrance of the uterus).

Sex in the third trimester of pregnancy

It is the quarter in which sex seems to be more complicated, especially because of a physical issue. The belly is already a considerable size, the woman may feel more tired and heavy and the baby moves harder and harder. When choosing the position should look for one in which both are comfortable.

The missionary's position, because of the size of the belly, can be complicated (if the man has a belly too, I don't even tell you), as well as annoying for the woman, since the weight of the belly on his own body may be uncomfortable. It is often said that the best positions are those in which the belly does not clash with the man, that is, when the woman is on top of the man or with his back to him, either lying down or on all fours.

Respecting the desire of both

In any case, both men and women must agree to maintain relationships. There are women who do not feel like making love during pregnancy and there are others whose libido seems to skyrocket. Similarly, there are men for whom the pregnant gut is erotic and others who feel a certain rejection or who feel fear or respect and prefer to do nothing.

The important is respect the desire of the couple if you do not want to have sex and, in any case, speak it to clarify doubts, seek professional help if necessary (to help clarify concepts) or find a point where both are comfortable (perhaps with more caresses, more slowly, more ...).

Childbirth is not likely to be triggered

Some couples avoid having sex during the last weeks for fear of having their birth triggered. It is true that during an orgasm uterine contractions occur, however they are very soft compared to those that occur during childbirth and, therefore, it is very unlikely that the delivery will go ahead.

Until not long ago it was said that sex could help it, since in addition the man's semen contains prostaglandins, which soften the uterine muscle and prepare it for contractions. However, the amount is very small and not enough.

The reality is that, although having sex does not seem to help advance labor, it can be recommended to relieve tensions, so reassure the baby and to give birth more relaxed (in addition, they say it helps prepare the perineum for the dilation to which it will be subjected).

Video: 2nd Trimester Q&A with Belly to Baby (July 2024).