World Breastfeeding Week 2010: "10 steps to successful breastfeeding"

Between August 1 and 7 it is celebrated in more than 120 countries the World Breastfeeding Week, the biggest movement in favor of breastfeeding. As you know, from Babies and more we defend and promote breastfeeding, and that is why we join in its celebration.

Events, events and meetings are held every year throughout this week to commemorate the anniversary of the Innocenti Declaration on the protection, promotion and support of breastfeeding promoted by UNICEF and other partners, including WHO and the World Alliance Pro Breastfeeding.

As Mireia already told us, this year the motto is “10 steps to successful breastfeeding”, ten premises that all maternity and newborn care services should fulfill:

1. Have a written breastfeeding policy that is communicated periodically to staff.

2. Train all staff to carry out this policy.

3. Inform all pregnant women about the benefits and practice of breastfeeding.


4. Help mothers start breastfeeding during the first hour after birth.

5. Teach mothers how to breastfeed and how to maintain breastfeeding even if they separate from their babies.

6. Do not give newborns any food or drink other than breast milk; do it only by medical indication.

7. Practice joint housing; Let the mothers and their babies be together 24 hours a day.

8. Encourage breastfeeding to occur every time the baby asks for it.

9. Do not give teats, pacifiers or other artificial objects for the suction of breastfed babies.

10. Promote the creation of breastfeeding support groups and refer mothers to them.

Video: World Breastfeeding Week highlights the role of health professionals (July 2024).