18,000 children live in Spanish orphanages according to "Families of Colors", situation that criticize, denounce and do not understand

Adoption is not something easy for families or something comfortable for children, but if the administration seems to be not collaborating, everything is so complicated that it becomes unintelligible.

The Asociation Families of Colors has denounced in recent days the situation of Spanish orphanages in which 18,000 children who are not adopted live And they want to know why.

Spanish orphanages have in their facilities 18,000 children living without sufficient means to get them adopted and 90% of these children are over six years old, which makes its adoption even more complicated and 3,000 of those children are found only in the Community of Madrid.

These data have been released to the press by Susana Morales, a lawyer specializing in childhood and president of the association "Family of Colors" who have been those who have denounced this fact at the headquarters of the Assembly of Madrid, specifically in the Commission of Social and Family Policies.

They have censored the one public administrations do not promote adoptions of children around six years of age, most frequent age among children living in the different orphanages spread across our country, especially considering that on the other hand There are 33,000 Spanish families who want but cannot adopt.

There would be more families than children but still, according to this association, neglect and excessive bureaucracy does not facilitate the process, which is fundamentally detrimental to children.

Spain is also one of the only European countries that has closed borders to adopt with 45 countries with which however the rest of Europe adopts without problems. A solution that escapes logic.

"How is it possible for Spain to keep 45 countries closed, the majority of them black, while the rest of the European Union adopts in those same countries?" Said Susana Morales a few days ago.

Children alone

Children grow up alone in these institutions, in the sense of growing up without family and when they turn 18, their situation gets more complicated since they cannot live in the same place where their "home" has been until that moment.

They find each other at 18 alone, on the street and with an orphan's pension of € 300 per month.

Since Colored Families They proposed a shock plan to the deputies with whom they met, an emergency shock plan as well as the development and development of the Childhood Law but you must always keep in mind that when legislating for children, time Run against us. Laws are already late for children who continue to grow in Spanish orphanages.

Video: Charity helps abandoned babies and children (July 2024).