Children who have learned to swim alone this summer

The end of summer is coming and it is time to take stock of the last months. One of the things that gives parents the most pride is to say that our little one (and here I have to clean my slime) is one of those children who have learned to swim alone this summer. My little girl will be 4 years old, more or less the age at which they are released in the aquatic environment without the help of sleeves, churros or floating elements.

The moment we see them there for the first time kicking and braking as they can to reach the curb is a milestone in the lives of children. A small step towards their own autonomy and, of course, a great relief for parents.

They feel powerful and able to swim across an ocean if necessary, even if they are only able to advance a few meters. For them it is a rush of self-esteem and self-confidence. They no longer need help to stay afloat and enjoy the water.

The best thing in this stage of "swimming alone, but not yet completely dominated" is to restrict an area to move inside the pool. It has to be in the lowest part, that they get to touch the ground and with stairs nearby in case they get tired.

They will get tired, sure, because they still do not regulate the distance they are able to travel. It is also inevitable that they swallow water, as they have to learn to manage their breathing. In addition, they do not contain the desire to speak, before with sleeves or float they could do it all the time, but now they must keep their mouths closed so that they do not enter water.

Of course, and although you always have to watch the children in the pool, how old they are, in this phase of learning is when we should be more careful. They cannot take their eyes off them because they gain confidence and believe they are capable of doing the same things as the elders.

They pull the curb taking careers and doing tricks, decide for themselves to get into the water without warning, pretend to accompany their brothers in the water games ... They feel older but they are not, so more eye than ever.

But the confidence that comes from learning to swim alone is super beneficial for their self-esteem, so it is important that we not limit that feeling. We must accompany them, encourage them and always be vigilant to help them if necessary, but never discourage them.

Finally, if your child has not achieved this summer, do not compare him with other children of the same age who have achieved it. Everyone has their own pace and will surely do it next summer.

And at home, how are you? Have your children learned to swim alone this summer?

Video: Swimming lessons for babies (June 2024).