June 5, World Environment Day: ways to celebrate it with your children

This week is celebrated World Environment Day. On June 5, it aims to promote global awareness of the environment, promote attention and political action in this regard and motivate people to become active agents.

Friendly characters like Fluvi or Verdito help raise awareness among children, but we are the first who can educate them to understand the importance of caring for our environment, the limited quality of natural resources and responsible consumption.

We from home can be the first to normalize respect for our environment. Tomorrow Thursday, June 5, it is a good day to highlight that certain daily activities for them, together with other more extraordinary ones, they can become a celebration of respect for the environment.

After 3 years, explain in a simple way questions such as where the paper comes from, what is the recycling mechanism and what is it for or why zoos exist ... In short, they know what the purpose of these activities we propose It will help them live with greater involvement:

  • Turn off the tap when the water is not being used: while we lather our hands, while we brush our teeth.

  • Do not pull the chain only when necessary; The toilet is not a bin.
  • Be careful before you throw anything in the trash: recycling of plastics, containers, glass, paper and cardboard is essential.
  • Turn off the lights when we leave the room.
  • Completely turn off electrical devices such as television if we are not watching it or the computer.

Other most extraordinary activities that perhaps they are not in our day to day living together can commemorate this special day dedicated to the environment. We can also, with our children:

  • Plant a tree or plant.
  • Go together to a market or the greengrocer to discover all the variety of fruits and vegetables, appreciating shapes, colors and smells, apart from the new flavors that you can discover. Explain the process of birth and growth of those fruits that we now face.
  • Water a tree, take care of it by removing dried leaves ..., explain its valuable role on Earth.
  • Draw with them a landscape of nature where they would like to be.
  • Today do not take the car: use public transport and, better, go for a bike ride.
  • Let's play outdoors: it's good, beautiful and cheap.
  • To propose to photograph some landscape or natural motif of our environment.
  • Go to a place where we can hear the sounds of nature: birds, trees moved by the wind ...
  • Decorate with them a cardboard box for your room where they can put the recycle papers.
  • Prepare and read them a story with environmental issues. Tomorrow we will bring you a few ideas about it.

Official Site | United Nations More information | Erenovable More information | Children's guide More information | Baby Encounters and more | Environmental education begins at home In Babies and more | Educational stories to care for the environment In Babies and more | The ecological child In Babies and more | "Sister Earth. Look beyond": children and the future of the environment In Babies and more | Ecology News

Video: Learn How To Beat Plastic Pollution For World Environment Day With Characters from Bottle Island (July 2024).