Argentina collapsed by bronchiolitis

Like every winter, the bronchiolitis it rages among the child population, but this year Argentina is suffering a high incidence of this respiratory disease that especially affects babies. Such is the incidence, that the hospitals in the country are overwhelmed and work to the limit of their capacity, they even lack beds to be able to adequately attend to all patients.

The Argentine health has decided to request the help of private hospitals taking care of the costs to avoid that the situation can end tragically by not being able to attend to all sick children. A note to highlight, only in the first week of this month, up to 214 children have had to be admitted to the centers as a result of bronchiolitis and of them, half needed intensive therapy. The data is truly alarming, as they show us in the news published in Terra, up to 44,000 patients with bronchiolitis have been counted so far this year and are expected to end with a figure that reaches 70,000 sick children. What is really shocking to us is that this situation can be repeated every year and that the appropriate measures have not been taken, and that more means have been being demanded to fight the disease.

It is not a wise solution to resort to private hospitals, perhaps it is effective as a temporary and timely measure, but in the face of a repeated situation, it is most appropriate to prepare so that this situation is not repeated next year.

Another interesting topic would be to investigate why respiratory problems are increasing and try to find preventive solutions to minimize the incidence next year.

Video: Mini - respiratory distress (July 2024).