Photo exhibition on mothers and children with cerebral palsy

If a child changes your life, a child with cerebral palsy turns it over. But the link between mother and son is there, and that is what "Vincles de valor" wants to reflect, "Value Links", a photographic exhibition on mothers and children with cerebral palsy that you can see these days in Barcelona.

The photographer Ana Calvo has portrayed in the exhibition the special relationship of several mothers with their children affected by cerebral palsy, herself and her son Victor included. Family photographs and the relationship with other mothers of children from the school where their child goes are the engine of the show.

It is a way of reflecting the bond between these families and also of de-stigmatize the world of disability in general and cerebral palsy in particular. Beautiful images with children laughing, staring at the camera or playing, and mothers hugging them.

Recall that cerebral palsy is a group of disorders that affects two or three out of every 1,000 live births caused by a brain injury suffered during pregnancy, childbirth or the first three years of life.

"Value links" can be seen at the Palau Robert in Barcelona until September 29, there are few days left to get excited with these images, some of which you can watch online. The exhibition is signed by the association of cerebral palsy Aspace Barcelona and admission is free from 10:00 am to 8:00 pm (Sunday from 10:00 am to 2:30 pm).

Video: IC08:2019 Flash Forward A Lifespan Approach for Cerebral Palsy (July 2024).