Is it bad to do weights during pregnancy?

Among the most recommended exercises during pregnancy is not weight lifting, but if we do not talk about weightlifting and we refer to small weights, what happens? Can the pregnant woman lift small weights during pregnancy?

The answer is yes, provided you do not exceed the weight and effort involved. Light weights help increase muscle tone, but it is important to avoid "heavy" weights, approximately 8-10 kilos. Nor would it be good if you needed to hold your breath to lift a certain weight (which hinders the flow of blood to the uterus).

Of course, this will only happen with heavy weights. But I think nobody would think of lifting weights the size we saw in this pregnant woman, used to weightlifting, if she has never approached such wheels before.

Only if you are used to it could you dare, but be very careful because the body during pregnancy undergoes a lot of changes and we cannot make the same effort as before. In addition, we must listen to all the signals of our body and not force it. The recommendations are that women accustomed to intense sports should reduce the pace.

What could fit most pregnant women is a moderate weightlifting, convenient to keep the biceps and triceps fit. The best way to do them is by standing, slightly separating the legs, flexing the knees and contracting the abdominals.

With a weight in each hand, the straight arms can be extended with the palm down in a cross until it reaches shoulder height and slowly lowered by turning the palm down. Or flex the elbow in front of us, bending the arms, until weights near the shoulders and slowly lower.

So, during pregnancy the most convenient thing is to use light weights and do numerous repetitions in both arms, in different positions, to exercise several muscles. They are an ideal complement to yoga classes, while walking or if you do stretching at home. But without going over the weight.