LEGO hits the spot with his new figure, the housewife dad

For some time now, the famous toy brand has become more aware of the demands of society and has begun to develop numerous sets of games to promote equality, not only for girls or boys, creating lines of women scientists or engineers, but also for adults, as is the case with this New doll, dad housewife.

This time the stir has not come for the creation of a new super hero or a new set of some cult film. This time it has been something much simpler but with a powerful message for our children, the dad who is at home. Simple, simple, but a non-existent figure in the vast majority of our children's toys.

The complete set consists of a dad housewife, a working mom away from home (to judge by his attire) and the first LEGO baby cartof course with baby included

In the words of its president Søren Torp, the society around us is changing and is not the same as years ago. The company must listen to everyone and react to the demand for new items in line with the new image that surrounds us.

It is clear that step by step and slower than we would like, but We are moving in the right direction. Especially when it comes to eliminating sexism from our children's toys. And although there are people who think that this act is trivial, since ** any child can put any male figure as a father ** who stays at home, I think that this type of action is not bad. We may not change the world but we work for it.

If they ask me for a paste, I would say it would not be bad if the bottle was made on a scale to the child and not king size.

Video: I BUILT A TOP SECRET Hide and Seek LEGO MEGA BLOCKS HOUSE! (July 2024).