Because the children? World Day Against Childhood Cancer

Every year, one thousand one hundred children receive a diagnosis of cancer in Spain, and although the incidence rate is low and has a survival of 70%, cancer is a devastating disease, both for the children who suffer it and for their families . When I see one of these young boys who, despite everything they are going through, don't lose their smile, I wonder because the children?.

Worldwide, more than 150,000 children are diagnosed each year, 80% of them in developing countries. Today the World Day Against Childhood Cancer, we remember and honor all those little fighters and their families who face this tremendous disease every day.

Childhood Cancer Warning Signs

The most common cancers in childhood are: leukemia (approximately 25%), tumors of the central nervous system (approx. 20%), non-Hodgkin lymphoma (approx. 6%), Hodgkin's disease (5%) and Wilms tumor in the kidney (5%), Ewing's sarcoma and thyroid cancer.

We all believe that our children will not touch, but it is better to be alert to any signal or symptom that can tell us that something is wrong, such as:

  • Persistent bone and abdomen pain
  • Persistent back pain
  • Fever without cause or for more than a week
  • Bruises or bleeding from the nose or gums
  • Tumor or ganglion growth
  • Itchy body without skin lesions
  • Extreme tiredness, paleness and sudden anemia
  • Weightloss
  • Headache and vomiting in the morning for several days
  • Abdomen that grows rapidly
  • Infection that does not improve
  • Consult the pediatrician three or more times for the same symptomatology without having a clear diagnosis

Little big fighters

Children must remain admitted long periods, they are practically isolated from their environment and the family routine is completely discolored, in addition to the emotional effects that the disease causes in all family members.

I can't imagine how hard it must be for some parents to see their son in that situation, parents who despite being full of fears never lose hope and accompany their children by drawing strength from where they do not have them.

Organizations such as Fundación Theodora and Juegaterapia, among others, are responsible for making it more bearable all the time that children should remain in the Hospital, wearing smiles and play, something so necessary for any child.

I leave you a video of Theodora Foundation and we send from here a strong hug and all our encouragement to children who fight cancer and their families.

Today on the International Day of the #CancerInfantil we want to give voice to the true protagonists of our Foundation, to all those families we visited in hospitals trying to bring joy and little breeze breezes. Strength for all of you and very special kisses full of power and overcoming! //

Posted by Theodora Foundation on Monday, February 15, 2016

Video: Global Disparities in Childhood Cancer (July 2024).