How to explain to children the size of the earth and the universe (video)

A few days ago we learned that a quarter of Spaniards, according to a survey, believe that the sun revolves around the earth. Come on, that the earth is the center and it is the other planets that revolve around us.

Actually, in practice, it matters little to know if what revolves is the sun or the earth, but by culture, it is interesting that people know that their navel is not the center of everything, that in the West we are not necessarily better than in the rest of the world, that the sun does not revolve around the earth and that the solar system, which seems so immense to us, is actually dwarf in relation to the universe.

How to explain this to children? Sometimes words cannot show the greatness of the universe we live in, so nothing like a video of less than 3 minutes to graphically see how large the moon, earth and sun they know, and also what the difference is of these with respect to other planets and stars.

The video is already a few years old, but from time to time it runs through social networks, thousands of people see it and disappears again until someone shares it again. That's how they are already more than 11 million people who have seen that the moon and the earth are tiny compared to the sun, and tiny compared to the biggest stars.

Put it on your children that they surely enjoy, and if you know someone who does not dominate much of planets, sizes and universes and wants to learn something very curious in a short time, too.

Video | Youtube
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Video: The Universe. Our Solar System. Planet Earth. Science For Kids. Periwinkle (July 2024).