Dads and Moms Blogs (CXLVI)

As we do every Tuesday, we look at the blogosphere to discover what has been published in recent days in the moms and dads blogs.

We start with Go, if it's mom!, where we found that Sandra, mother of two children, has had to be on Sunday of birthdays and polling stations (without conciliation). It deals with the complicated issue of the lack of family reconciliation when a mother has to spend more than eleven hours fulfilling her citizen duty. Is it possible that this is so arbiter? Because at the same time it is a child's right to be with his mother, especially if it is, for example, a breastfed child.

In Re-educating mom I found a moving entry with an eloquent title: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! It is a reflection on how unfair a war is in which innocent children die and what we would like parents to be able to protect our children from tragedies.

For its part, in The Blissful Orchid They offer us ten basic tips to protect the privacy of our children on the internet, keys that can be useful for our children to use the network with total security.

If you are thinking of buying a stroller, Mom cow He has tested the Dadá Casualplay cart and tells us all its features, its strengths and its weaknesses.

If you walk around X life without hurry You can learn to make a great craft: a toy loom with a shoebox. A most entertaining activity for children to learn to knit.

Finally, in An early therapist They propose a technique known as Floortime, a way to interact with children through play to promote their ability to interact, communication and creative thinking. It is based on the philosophy of establishing communication links through the game. Very interesting, I recommend it.

So far, what we have found this week in some of the moms and dads blogs What is in cyberspace. Next week, much more.

If you have a blog about maternity or paternity, we invite you to leave the URL in the comments of this post and we promise to give us a spin.

Video: Chef Mom vs. Chef Dad Challenge. Kids Try. HiHo Kids (July 2024).