Virgin will give its employees a paid paternity leave for one year

With all that remains to go in many countries regarding maternity and paternity leave, suddenly the billionaire comes Richard Branson, founder and CEO of Virgin, to impose its own rules within your company.

He has announced that Virgin will give its employees a paid paternity leave for one year both mothers and recent fathers, including those who have adopted a baby.

Employees who have worked in the company for more than 4 years will receive 100% of their salary during the leave. Those who have worked less than two years will be entitled to 25% of their salary. In the middle, the percentage will increase according to seniority in the company.

The offer is certainly not negligible. We all know the many cares a baby needs in the first months and the benefits of sharing with him his first year of life. The tycoon, father and grandfather of three grandchildren, also knows these needs and encourages his employees to spend more time with their children.

Branson has stated:

"If you take care of your employees they will take care of your business. As a father and now a granddad to three wonderful grandchildren, I know how magical the first year of a child's life is but also how much hard work it takes."

Selfless generosity? He believes in a new business model in which workers feel comfortable and gratified, but some publicity with ostentatious advertisements never comes bad and clear, the pull is taken advantage of.

Like its previous announcement of unlimited vacations for its employees, this time there is also a small print. Apparently, not all workers in the group would benefit from the offer, but would only affect 140 employees of Virgin Management, a division of the company based in London and Geneva.

Still, we will not detract from the announcement of a great businessman who supports fatherhood. Hopefully the example extends to other companies and truly values ​​the importance of being parents to society.

Until now, the company that offered the best paternity leave was Google, which gives 18 weeks to its employees, followed by Facebook, which gives 17 weeks and Bank of America, with 12 weeks.

Via | Independent
In Babies and more | Maternity and paternity leave in Europe

Video: Josh Levs: Why Maternity and Paternity Leave Are Important for Families and Businesses (July 2024).