Why is a good breakfast so important?

At this time, it is likely that you are having breakfast with your children or about to do so. We often hear about the importance of breakfast ("the most important meal of the day", "eat breakfast like a king" ...) and especially for the little ones, who are growing and full of energy. Precisely because they have spent many hours resting and without taking any food and have the day ahead, Children need a full and varied breakfast.

Breakfast is a ration of great importance, since it will help to achieve a body full of energy and a correct cognitive performance in the school tasks of the little ones and in the daily work of any person.

That is, the energy-caloric contribution of breakfast is of great importance, because it will allow us to achieve adequate physical and intellectual performance, at school, at work ... and ultimately in our day to day.

According to the Spanish Community Nutrition Society (SENC), a full breakfast contributes to:

  • Get more adequate nutritional contributions.
  • Balance intakes.
  • It can contribute to the prevention of obesity in children.
  • Improves intellectual, physical performance and attitude at work.

What is a good breakfast?

A simple glass of milk or juice does not provide the necessary nutrients for this purpose (a coffee either!). We must take into account the importance of a trio of breakfast foods, composed by:

  • Dairy products: a glass of milk, a fresh yogurt or fresh cheese.
  • Cereals: bread, biscuits, whole wheat bread, homemade pastries or breakfast cereals (eye, you have to check that they are as healthy as possible, since many have saturated fats and excess sugars).
  • Fruit or natural juice.

It could also be supplemented on some occasions with other protein foods such as eggs, ham, nuts, etc. Here you can see several examples of healthy breakfasts for children, with different combinations of foods that should not be missing at breakfast.

As we see, combinations are possible and there is quite a variety of recommended foods. We have the basis for breakfast to be complete, now we just need to put it into practice. We have all summer ahead ...

Definitely, a good breakfast is important for children and for the whole family, and often the lack of time is the enemy that we make it happen. Is it a matter of getting up a little more early? Maybe if we vary the breakfast foods we can finish it before and provide them with all the necessary nutrients?

Video: Is Breakfast the Most Important Meal? (July 2024).