A child sees violence where we see a party: do we give negative messages to our children without realizing it?

This, without a doubt, It is one of the most touching and telling videos I've seen in my life... makes you think about the customs we have and that we impose on children without thinking about their vision of things, which is obviously very different and often much more logical than we see them as adults. I invite you to see it because it is definitely worth it.

In this video we see how the child, contrary to what everyone expects, begins to hit the piñata very softly and that in a moment he can no more and will hug him. Obviously the reaction is due to the shape of the toy, but precisely there is the question ... Is it that sometimes we send negative messages to children and we are not aware of it?.

As a result, I automatically remembered that boy who refused to eat octopus because he wanted the animals to be alive and not dead on his plate. Many times we do things as automatons and we forget that we have a child by our side who is assimilating new information every day of his life and taking it to form his own criteria.

This is a good example to remember. how important it is to talk with our children, explain the reason for certain things, ask their opinion about what they see (including on TV), and of course take their opinions into account ... your logic can become overwhelming and many times they can make us reflect on things that we have already accepted as 'normal'.

What do you think of the video?. Have you experienced any similar situation?

Video: Parenting: Raise Yourself Before You Raise Your Kids - Sadhguru (June 2024).