43 percent of Spanish mothers in single-parent households are unemployed

According to the 7th Report 'MonoMarentalidad y Empleo', prepared by the Adecco Foundation, single-parent households in Spain already represent 10%, 3 of the total and rub the 2 million.

In 2017, the National Statistics Institute (INE) accounted for 1,842,800 families consisting of an adult and one or more dependent children. 83%, is headed by a woman. And of them, 43 percent admit not having a job, one of the main causes of poverty that threatens these families in Europe. This is reflected in the AROPE (At risk of poverty and exclusion) report, which speaks of a 53.3% risk.

Single-parent families at risk of poverty

Difficulties of access to employment become the biggest trigger of poverty, according to the AROPE report and that of the Adecco Foundation:

  • 43% of women in single-parent households do not have a job, while 17% claim to have some type of occupation, but without a contract: 11% appear in the unemployment records, while the remaining 6% have not gone to themselves due to demoralization or irregular situation.

  • 7 out of 10 have been unemployed for more than a year: 48% exceed 24 months and 22% have been unemployed for 1 to 2 years.

According to Francisco Mesonero, DG of the Adecco Foundation, long-term unemployment can lead to the underground economy:

"The prolonged absence of income leads many women with unfamiliar family responsibilities to perform unregulated jobs, mainly concentrated in sectors such as hospitality, care for dependents and / or domestic service. This creates a worrying lack of protection for the worker, leading him directly to precariousness and exclusion ”.

In Babies and more, more than half of single-parent families in Spain are at risk of poverty

Profile of women in the single parent family

To conduct this study, a confidential survey of 500 women with non-shared family responsibilities was conducted.

Her sociodemographic profile has turned out to be that of a woman between 36 and 45 years old, divorced, with a child and secondary education.

What this report does not reflect are the causes that cause these high rates of female unemployment: being a woman, with the wage gap involved? Have children in charge of only one parent?

If the explained fit your personal situation and juggle to make ends meet by yourself, we would like to know your opinion.

Photos | iStock

Video: With national unemployment still topping 9 percent, millions are struggling to raise a family as the (July 2024).