Liar or perhaps imaginative child

Lies consist of simulating something unreal, such as when they play a superhero, pirates, etc. The truth is that the lie is a great step when it is initial, that is, when a child lies for the first time, shows that he is taking a great step of intellectual and social progress, but we must understand that there are lies and lies.

The implications of lies vary by age, the first trolas are an experiment that at the beginning have an important exploratory role. Thanks to them, children realize that they have their own mind and thoughts, an intimacy that they can share or preserve according to their will. They learn to deceive others, experiment with the trolls and test them, for this reason, lies are a key step in overcoming self-centered thinking, a great step in the development of intelligence and understanding of the social world .

How do we know that these lies are experimental? Well, because they often reveal the truth to us by saying “no, it wasn't true, I cheated on you” and the boy keeps experimenting like when he asks you “why don't you know what my new friend is called?”, You ask him “how? ", And he answers" aaah you don't know and I do ". These experiments actually translate into games that develop their potential.

During the first years, fantasizing and having magical thoughts is very important, since they delimit the real from the imaginary, because for them these concepts are still somewhat confusing. It is for this reason that they fantasize easily, that they tell us that they talk with their dolls or any fantasy of their age. Therefore, we should never call them liars and much less scold or ridicule them, since as we have said before, it is a thing of age.

As parents we must be tolerant but without following the flow of the child, it is good to respect and feed their fantasy but never push it excessively and less to make the child feel that it is out of hand. Of course, all this is valid during the first years, as it grows, these lies change for others that are influenced by a fear of possible punishment and thus avoid possible scolding.

Whenever we can, we must try to find the cause of the lie and not be very rigid and impose the rules of conduct. If a child lies a lot, you have to ask him why he does it and try to explain that it is not right, but never call him a liar or anything similar since sometimes, lies are a way of getting affection or not losing it.

A lie can be to impress, to attract attention or to give importance, or perhaps a bit of everything at once. Sometimes the origin of lies is the lack of attention on our part, to show affection ...

Promoting sincerity is very important, giving the main example, but we must also understand the fantasies of the child and as he grows, downplay the minor lies, he will stop using them.

Video: Honest liars -- the psychology of self-deception: Cortney Warren at TEDxUNLV (July 2024).