Dance on a vertical bar with the baby in tow and breastfeeding him? If possible

Like a feather So hold your baby this dancer in a vertical bar, so it seems amazing and almost impossible. Like so many people, who has shared the video of a few seconds and more than three million visits that conveys harmony in that dance in which gravity seems to be absent.

Ashley Wright (Ms. Wright Way) has been an expert in this type of dance for eight years and did not stop practicing it when she became pregnant with her daughter Shannon. Once she was born, why would she stop experiencing these movements with her baby? It is about a year old and is holding the mother with a baby carrier, breastfeeding while ascending the bar and turning on it. Would you dare to do something similar?

With the awkwardness that I have been for the baby carriers, it does not even occur to me to head to a vertical bar, but without a doubt the expertise of the mother of the video gives her security. Surely I have done some test until everything goes as perfect as in the images, but training with your baby will have been a great experience.

In this link you can watch the video yourself (in the mom's Facebook profile) and judge. Comments revolve around mom's mastery of the bar. I have doubted if I was breastfeeding, but it seems so, even if it is released at some point (and other photos of the mother confirm that she is capable of doing so).

Because, as the mother herself points out, If breastfeeding is on demand and played while doing your exercises on the tube ... what would I do? An example of how you can not separate our hobbies and sports because of having a baby.

On her Instagram profile we can see other videos of this art with her daughter and photos as beautiful as she is on a beach. Warning: do not perform at home and without previous experience! You have to be very fit and devote hours to training, don't you think? In fact, the mother is a teacher of this discipline and aspires to be a mentor for many mothers and artists, transmitting joy, beauty and love.

The video has been set as an example of raising arms and supporting breastfeeding, although simply because of that vertical dance it is already worth it. In her lap, this woman is able to dance with her baby and breastfeed incredibly. And the little girl is delighted floating like that ...

Photos | iStock, Instagram MsWrightsWay
Via | HuffingtonPost
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