Do we know who our children stay with: Beware of child sexual abuse

We know that the numbers of child sexual abuse are high, very high. For example, in a study published in Barcelona in 2007, it was observed that 14.9% of children under 13 had at least one unwanted sexual contact with an aggressor of at least five more years. Terrible figures, which say that almost 1 in 7 children will suffer child sexual abuse.

I bring this subject to Babies and more because recently I have known a case in which a teacher (or monitor) of an extracurricular sexually abused some of her students, taking them out of the classroom and inviting them to enter another to abuse them.

What a less father can imagine

Children doing extracurricular, calm parents thinking that their sons and daughters are well, in the same school where they have spent the day, extending their study day just a little longer to learn more about something or reinforce some subject, so that who I got to give classes either a mentally ill.

I know that talking about this will make us all almost paranoid, more than we are, but I repeat, 1 in 7 children, according to the study mentioned, will suffer child sexual abuse before age 13. If we talk about ages up to 18 years, the figure is closer to 1 in 6, because we talk about 17.9% of children and young people.

Should we doubt everyone?

Well yes and no. That is, it is unfair that we now think that any adult will sexually abuse our children, because it is not so, but it is logical and necessary that we think that any adult could do it, If I wanted.

In the case I commented, the school, it seemed, was left empty, only with the presence of the children and that teacher (and I want to imagine that the janitor also stayed in his "office"). In that case I could doubt or, at the very least, keep in mind that it could happen and be a little more constant than usual when asking my son the "how it went" when he went to look for him.

If instead we are talking about a sport training, outdoors, with many children and more adults, for me it is easier to trust that nothing will happen.

However, the strongest thing is that many times those who abuse children are not strangers, but relatives who remain in their care. Should we doubt all of them? Well, I don't know, maybe yes. It is wrong to say it, but the people who go on TV talking about someone who has done something terrible always say that "we could not imagine it that way."

I do not know, everyone who does what they deem appropriate in this regard, but I did not want to miss the opportunity to remember the data and ask the question again: Do we know who our children stay with?

Video: 11 Signs a Child May Become a Psychopath. Psychopathic Risk Factors (July 2024).