Protect your baby from respiratory infections

The cold has been late this year but it will still stay with us for a while. With the cold, respiratory diseases increase and children are very exposed. The smaller they are, the more vulnerable, so today we are going to offer tips to protect the baby from respiratory infections.

Infections of the lower respiratory tract, caused by viruses or bacteria, are the main cause of disease and mortality in children. This group includes pneumonia, which can affect children at any age and bronchiolitis, which is much more common in children under one year, especially between two and six months.

Other respiratory diseases are bronchitis, pneumonia and influenza or influenza. Bacterial respiratory infections include: pertussis, tonsillitis, bronchopneumonia, bacterial meningitis and sinusitis.

During the first year of age the baby is more susceptible to these infections, since his immune system has not matured yet and the chances of infection increase.

To prevent the spread of these respiratory diseases (and other diseases) it is recommended to have good hygiene habits in newborn contacts:

  • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Deposit the used tissue in the trash can.

  • Coughing or sneezing on the upper arm or elbow, not on the hands, if you do not have a tissue.

  • Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water often for at least 40 seconds. This habit is especially important after changing diapers or going to the bathroom, when preparing food ... Anyone who is going to have contact with the baby should have clean hands.

  • Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available.

  • Keep the newborn, as far as possible, away from people who have a cold or cough.

  • Ventilate the home properly.

  • Keep the home environment smoke free and that the baby is not with smokers.

  • Avoid sharing pacifiers, bottles, toys and other utensils with other babies or other family members.

In addition to these hygienic habits, you should avoid sudden changes in temperature, you must ensure that the baby is well sheltered, keep vaccinations up to date, continue breastfeeding to increase your defenses ...

Finally, remember that respiratory infections can be treated but if we let them pass, we do not give them importance and do not go to the pediatrician, they can cause serious complications in children. We hope you are hygiene measures protect the baby from respiratory infections and end the winter without any fright.

Photos | iStock
In Babies and more | Tips to avoid respiratory diseases in children, can it be prevented? Hygiene against infections in children

Video: How to protect your baby from RSV respiratory syncytial virus (July 2024).