The youngest paleontologist on the planet and in history is four years old and has found fossils over 500,000 years old!

Children's hobbies, however small they may be, can be very intense, very passionate and in some cases in the long run, they can become more than just a hobby.

Martín is four years old, only four but he is already very fond of fossils and paleontology, to such an extent that walking with his father, He has found some fossil remains that could be around 500,000 years old.

I think he must be the youngest palentologist in history and on the planet, don't you?

Martin Landini is the name of this child who according to the first calculations of the researchers, He has discovered some fossil remains of perhaps more than 500,000 years old.

Martín is Argentine and was walking with his father Luis in one of his usual “Paleontological getaways” as Martin's mother pointed out to the Argentine media these days.

They went for a walk on a beach near Mar del Plata and when they discovered the bones, in a very responsible and professional way they notified those responsible for Natural Sciences Museum "Lorenzo Scaglia" also attached to the municipality of Mar del Plata.

Little Martin is happy because this time he was the one who found the remains, it seems that his brother Nicolás was the fossil discoverer.

Precisely Martin, four years old and his brother Nicolás, eight, became fond of paleontology after taking a course they taught in this same museum and since then they usually go out with their father to walk around the area and play to find fossils. The game and interest has led them to a treasure for science like this.

Four years yes but it's not the first time

While we are all surprised by the discovery of Martín and Nicolás, the funny thing is that Their parents are surprised by the diffusion that this discovery has had because it is not the first one carried out by these little paleontologists.

As his mother has acknowledged, they even have an action protocol when they find something that could be considered a fossil, the children locate it, see it on the ground, photograph it and send the photo to the museum for experts to point out the value of what was found . All without touching the fossil and the environment at all.

After receiving the photo and the call of Martin, scientists from the “Lorenzo Scaglia” museum appeared in the place and transferred the remains to the museum's facilities. Through its own Facebook the museum has acknowledged that yes, it is a material of great scientific importance and that will be used to practice “paleoclimatic, paleoecological and paleoenvironmental” reconstructions of this place.

There are children who have very clear hobbies, who enjoy them and who learn with them, do not you think it's incredible for a child of only four years?

Video: Earth Millions of Years Ago (July 2024).