The fitness mom who became famous for her tiny pregnant belly confesses that she had a lot of trouble giving birth

Chontel Duncan It is a well-known Instagramer, considered a mom fitness for having documented her pregnancy and her postpartum while continuing with her diet and usual exercises.

Already in March we talked about her because she took a pregnant photo with a friend, who was also pregnant, with an obvious difference in bellies. Although they were only one month pregnant, Chontel had hardly any belly.

The fact is that throughout the pregnancy people were very surprised to see how small their belly was always, and months after childbirth they have decided to confess that in reality, the fruit of their rocky abdomen, had many problems in childbirth and ended up giving birth by caesarean section.

As we read in Cribeo, Chontel went to give birth to her baby through a normal delivery, but everything was complicated by not being able to descend properly.

Faced with this complication, and with her tremendously scared, they decided to perform a C-section that was not easy either. In the middle of the intervention he began to vomit and Chontel's strong abdomen, when contracted by vomiting, began to hold the baby's body so that they couldn't extract it. Faced with this situation, they chose to make the incision a little wider to be able to remove the child (so on the right side of his scar it is appreciated that he climbs a little upwards).

Finally with the use of forceps through the incision, they were able to extract the baby in an episode that he wanted to explain months later as a sign that a strong body is not always beneficial at the time of giving birth.

More than 500 thousand followers

Chontel has on Instagram with nothing less than 579 thousand followers, which is said soon, to which he announces the news of his training while sharing moments of his life.

Among them are those related to her motherhood, such as when she took pictures with her baby with one arm and the criticisms rained, or as this time she has also told that she would like to have three children, and that in the next pregnancies she will try having a vaginal delivery again.

Anyway, in reference to the scar of his caesarean section, he has no problem encouraging other women who have gone through the same thing by explaining that, in reality, she is very proud of her scar for the precious gift she received through her. A memory of the day she became a mother.

But exercise is positive in pregnancy, isn't it?

Yes, if there are no symptoms that contraindicate it, the exercise is very positive in pregnancy because it makes women healthier throughout pregnancy and because it helps them get more prepared at birth. What is not recommended is to exercise too much, or in a very intense way, if the woman is not used to it.

In his case, Chontel continued to do the same as he did and in principle that should not have been a big problem. However, for some reason, his abdomen did not yield enough and he came to hold the baby so much that prevented him from being born normally (This is explained by his doctors).

Video: Kylie Jenner Talks Stretch Marks & How Her Body's Changed Post-Pregnancy (June 2024).