Proven: babies have cooler hands and feet than the rest of the body

A few days ago I explained in an entry that babies have their hands and feet colder than the rest of the body and that, if we noticed it like this, what had to be done was put on some fatter socks and not another sweater, because it does not mean that they are cold, but that thermoregulation in the most distal areas of the body does not work as it should.

A blog reader, fond of taking thermal photographs (in a few days I show you others, very curious), sent us a photograph of a naked baby in which we can see the temperature at which each of his areas of the body is, or at least the ones we see in the image, I have already wanted to publish it because it serves to show that the hands and feet have a lower temperature than the rest of the body.

As you can see, if you are looking at the image for a little while, the hottest areas appear to be the armpit and neck (we already told you that a good place to look at the real temperature of a baby is the neck and back), then the body would come and the head and in the extremities, legs and arms, it is already seen that the temperature is about 3-4 degrees lower.

Finally, if you look at the hands and feet, the color is closer to the surface on which the baby is lying than to the rest of the body. Come on, that lilac color shows that, indeed, your hands and feet are pretty cool compared to the rest of the body.

Video: 6 Ways To Treat Baby Diaper Rash Naturally (June 2024).