Feet swollen in pregnancy? Six simple exercises to prevent them

Fluid retention is very common during pregnancy and one of its most uncomfortable consequences is swelling of the feet, when we notice that they increase in size, the ankles disappear and we have to increase the size of the footwear. If you have swollen feet in pregnancy, we give you six simple tips to reduce your discomfort and to prevent them.

Swollen feet in pregnant women are one of the most common circulatory problems, but there are certain ways to prevent them or minimize their risks. The cause is edema, a swelling caused by excess fluid in the tissues that manifests mostly in feet and ankles.

Standing, lying, walking, resting ... In almost all situations we can do something so that the feet do not swell so much. These are six simple exercises and tricks to get it.

In Babies and more, swollen feet during pregnancy? Learn to prevent them

Exercises for swollen feet in pregnancy

  • Foot movement. Take advantage of the moments when you are sitting (which should not be too long, or with your legs crossed) to do foot rotation exercises, moving them in circles and also from front to back (moving the tips down and up).

  • Lying on your back perform the classic bike exercise, with the hands under the sacrum, flexing the knees to perform a wide and slow pedaling, for several times (increase the pedaling time as you find yourself) and resting.

  • Lying on your side with your leg supported flexed, raise and lower the leg that is at the top several times, resting and changing sides.

  • Standing, do exercises Tiptoe raising the heels to the maximum and, on the contrary, walk with the heels raising the tip of the fingers what you can (it is advisable to lean on a wall if you feel insecure).

  • He usually walks lightly, at a good pace, for several minutes, so that the cardiorespiratory system is activated. Walking is one of the best exercises to tone the muscles and prevent circulation problems, since the bloodstream starts. Wear appropriate shoes or walk barefoot if you can do it safely on the beach.

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  • At rest it is also possible to prevent swollen feet or reduce them. Rest lying with your legs up, above the level of the heart. Help yourself with large cushions where you support most of the legs.

In addition, these exercises and tips help prevent varicose veins, so they are highly recommended. We hope you find them useful. the tricks to prevent swollen feet in pregnancy and remember that drinking a lot of water also helps improve circulation. In any case, calm, because when the baby is here this discomfort disappears if you have not been able to eliminate it before.

Video: 4 Tips to Prevent Excessive Swelling During Pregnancy! (July 2024).