A couple created a girdle to relieve the pain of pregnant women with pelvic waist syndrome

Each pregnancy is different. There are women who live with just a couple of discomforts and there are others who suffer a lot and want the time to pass quickly so that the torture ends.

The latter group includes pregnant women who have suffered from pelvic waist syndrome. One of them suffered so much from the pain caused by this syndrome that her husband was given the task of creating a sash to help relieve the pain and could soon be available to other pregnant women who also suffer from it.

What is pelvic girdle syndrome?

Also know as pubic symphysis dysfunctionIt is a pain that occurs in the pelvis, usually begins in the most advanced stages of pregnancy but can occur at any time.

The most common symptom is pain in the pelvis and English, however, it can spread to the back and hips. You can also feel other discomforts such as:

  • A click in the pubic area.
  • Pain that usually worsens when walking, going up or down stairs and when turning in bed.
  • The pain increases at night and may not allow you to sleep.

The specific cause of pelvic girdle pain is unknown, but it is thought to be due to pregnancy hormones, which soften the ligaments of pregnancy and the way of walking.

Ruth's case: in a wheelchair since the 16th week of her pregnancy

Ruth Roberts was pregnant for the fourth time when she began to suffer from the symptoms of pelvic waist syndrome. The pain became so difficult that he could not walk, and From the 16 weeks of her pregnancy, she began using a wheelchair.

Her husband Dafydd and her children became her caregivers helping her wrap her hips with towels to lessen the pain. She had tried maternity belts, physiotherapy and medication, but nothing seemed to work. So her husband decided to get down to work and do something himself to help her relieve her pain.

He was working on several prototypes, until finally when Ruth was in his seventh month of pregnancy, he presented the final model. After that, Ruth was able to do things that were impossible for her again, like going to the bathroom alone.

Ruth and Dafydd later presented the belt to the public at an exhibition and they won a prize for their invention. The girdle can be used under or over clothing because its material is light, in addition to not containing latex.

Great presentation with @mediwales @nhs 'our story' development research & collaboration Harness Gravidarum pic.twitter.com/9gUvLi2vSa

- Harness Gravidarum (@harness_hgr) July 6, 2016

An obstetrician specializing in high-risk pregnancies saw the girdle and recognized the potential it had. Currently Ruth and Dafydd are waiting for the results of a test conducted by the National Health System of Wales and to obtain a positive result, The belt may be available at the end of the year for women suffering from this syndrome..

This story reminds me of that of the mother who invented a harness so that her son with paralysis could walk and that is now marketed worldwide. Both are stories of entrepreneurship in which families achieved find a solution that can also help many others.

Video: 5 Best Pregnancy Lower Back Pain Relief Exercises - Ask Doctor Jo (July 2024).