A girl is saved from drowning in the sea while her parents were sleeping: precautions to take on the beach with children

It looks like science fiction, but it's real news. Although it seems incredible to us that some parents leave their little daughter without supervision at sea, the facts show that it happens.

The last case has been on the beach of La Arena in Santiago del Teide, Tenerife. Lifeguards saved a four-year-old Polish girl who bathed alone while her parents slept in a hammock from drowning.

According to Adolfo García Jiménez, lifeguard coordinator of the beaches of the municipality, "the girl was alone near the water when a wave dragged her into the sea. We went in a hurry because the waves drove her away from the shore very quickly. Finally, we were able to rescue her with some difficulty. The girl, in obvious state of shock, was crying heartbroken. "

After getting her out of the sea, emergency services found the parents sleeping "face down on hammocks, about 60 meters away where the little girl was bathing." They had not learned that a few minutes before her daughter almost died from drowning! "said Garcia.

And it is not the only case of 'paternal dismissal this summer'. Also in the municipality of Santiago de Teide, and only a few days before, the lifeguard service says that an eight-year-old French girl threw herself into the water from an area of ​​rocks with the red flag: "When we reach the area, the waves they beat hard. Meanwhile, his mother laughed from above. "

From first aid they do not hesitate to rate these cases as parental negligence.

Precautions with children on the beach

Enjoying the sea in summer, when the water is hotter, is a pleasure available to most. The problem is that every year, due to ignorance or taking unnecessary risks, the sea takes victims. And all this, in spite of the machaconas recommendations that the services of maritime security repeat until the satiety in many mass media.

And it is that the sea, as those who know it best say because they make a living among its waters, is very treacherous and you cannot trust it.

From here we want to repeat once again what precautions must be taken to enjoy this summer on the beach without scares, and more if we have small children. We are the parents who have to warn them and teach them to be cautious.

And the first measure, and the mother of all other measures is keep track of children, NEVER and always be at your side at all times while bathing or playing at the seashore.

  1. Children should never go to the sea without adult supervision and company. There are no excuses of the kind: "there is a lifeguard, the water is calm, my son knows how to swim ...".

  2. It is necessary for children to get used to this environment with tranquility and lose the fear of water, but not respect. You must always explain the dangers and precautions.

  3. Do not rely on floats. It is better to choose sleeves and discard those around the entire waist, since the waves can turn the child and leave him with his head underwater.

  4. Always follow the instructions of first responders and local authorities.

  5. In areas of rocks and green areas, you must wear appropriate footwear and exercise caution in the presence of sea urchins, jellyfish and spiders. In public showers, flip flops or other non-slip footwear must be worn.

  6. Do not bathe or let your child do it if you feel bad or tired. If you are inside and notice strange symptoms, get out immediately!

  7. Teach him that you have to enter the water gradually, especially if the water is cold and has been exposed to the sun for a long time or if you have made an intense physical effort. Soak your limbs first and then enter with the child in the water little by little.

  8. You have to avoid the areas of currents, because you can be dragged without realizing it. On windy days, try not to use inflatable mattresses or floats, because the current can easily drag them.

  9. Do not throw your head and of course do not allow your child to do it, if you do not know the depth of the place or if there are rocks in the area.

  10. Respect the areas bounded by beacons to practice water sports. If you enter them you will be in danger of being hit by surfboards, jet skis, etc.

Via Europa Press and Generalitat de Catalunya

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