Turn it over: why children have to go in the car backwards

Three days ago a campaign was launched thinking, above all, that summer is coming and thousands of families will travel looking for a place to spend their vacations.

This is a campaign called turn it around which means the closure to a selfless work of many fathers and many mothers concerned about the danger of children traveling in favor of the march, which have been working for months to raise awareness of other fathers and other mothers, which ends with a video shot for this finish.

Turn it around

As we have said on other occasions, the problem of children in cars is that the force to which their heads are subjected when there is an accident is too much.

The weight of their heads in reference to the body is high, with the aggravating fact that their bone and muscle structures are not yet sufficiently developed, suffering greatly in case of impact.

What for us can be a whiplash, for them it can be a much more serious injury, even at the bone and spinal level.

Speaking in figures, it is said that an impact at 50 km / h transforms 1 kg of weight into 32 kg. If we focus on a 9 kg baby, when many can already face the march according to the recommendations given so far, their head can weigh 2 kg.

In the event of a collision at 50 km / h (in the city, for example), your neck would have to withstand a force of 64 kg, which is very much. Imagine if we go by highway then.

On the contrary, the more, the better

Accustomed as we are to that near the year all the children were already in favor of the march, it surprises a little, surely, that the advice is the longer, the better. It is said that at least up to 4 years, but in reality it is until it is already totally unfeasible that they travel that way.

Think that traveling backwards is considered to be up to five times safer than traveling in favor of the march, so it is not only a recommendation for them, but it is also for the entire population.

We adults cannot place ourselves like this in the car, but if we could, it would be much better. Moreover, I try whenever I can, on a train or on a bus, to sit backwards, because I am aware that it is much safer.

Video: Songs Played Backwards Have Hidden Meanings (July 2024).