Postpartum sexual disorders

Postpartum sexual disorders are very common, so in England an investigation was conducted in 600 women during the 6 months after delivery.

These disorders appear mainly because of the change in the life of the couple, in which the child is the main concern and all the time dedicated to him is little. The lack of rest, coupled with the state of the mother, postpartum recovery, causes 80% of women to suffer from this type of disorder.

The most frequent symptoms and those that emphasized the most in the investigation are:

Vaginal dryness, this lack of lubrication is caused by both psychological and organic disorders. The lack of estrogen during breastfeeding or inflammation in the vaginal walls that decrease the natural lubricating fluid, are some causes. The distension of the vaginal muscles, typical of a vaginal delivery, is the cause of the vaginal weakness. Penetration pain, caused by the healing of labor injuries, such as episiotomy or tears.

During sex it can suffer pain, which can be caused by not being prepared to have sex, tension and fear of pain, just increases it.

Pain during orgasm, motivated by uterine contractions caused by orgasm.

Bleeding or irritation after sexual intercourse, is linked to changes in the vaginal mucosa, caused by the hormones of lactation.

These or other disorders that are mainly caused by the changes that the vagina undergoes, need understanding and care. They usually disappear within 6 months of delivery, but if this is not your case, do not hesitate to consult with your obstreta and discuss it with your partner.

Video: Alyaa Gad - Loss of Libido in Women After Childbirth (July 2024).