The chilling new challenge among children: disappear for 48 hours

When used responsibly, social networks can be a great tool for different aspects of our lives. But when it is not used correctly or we do not teach our children how to do it, they may be a source of worrying situations.

Now a new challenge in social networks is attracting young people and tormenting their parents: the challenge of disappearing for 48 hours.

The 48 hour challenge

Various media report the emergence of a new and dangerous challenge in social networks, and in which some young people are already participating. Called "The 48 hour challenge", the challenge is to disappear for 48 hours without their parents knowing about them. As if that wasn't enough, They are also awarded points for each mention or message posted on social networks related to his disappearance.

According to information from Belfast Live, several cases have been reported in Ireland, and in an interview for the website, a mother says that her daughter and a group of friends have already participated, leaving a very strong impression on her family, who went through An anxiety not knowing anything about her for days.

The 14 year old girl disappeared in one county and was found with his friends 55 hours later in a city in another county. "I was terrified that they could be dead, raped, kidnapped or killed", says the distraught mother.

From his point of view, it is worrisome that the boys they see it as if it were something funny and do not understand the severity and the risk involved in doing so. Fortunately nothing happened to them, but in all the time they were missing something serious could have happened to them.

How do your children use social networks?

The issue of social networks and the use of children and adolescents is always a complicated one. And because they are using them, they have access to thousands of things that they may not yet understand or are not recommended for their age. Currently, three out of four children have a mobile at age 12, making use of social networks from an early age and before the legal limits (In Spain, for example, the minimum age to use social networks is 14 years old).

No doubt as parents we should postpone the use of social networks with our children as long as possible, however I consider that rather than thinking about banning them, our job is to teach them to make proper use. We cannot, for example, be checking their mobile messages all the time to monitor what they do and what they don't.

Our main responsibility as parents, in addition to caring for them, is to educate them, and that includes social networks. We must help them know how to differentiate what is real, from what is not. Show them that not because it is a virtual world, it means that everything goes or that they are free to do whatever they want without thinking about the consequences.

Rather than censor them, the important thing is to educate them, so that they really know how to act. There are certain points that are key that we can explain to our children to prevent their participation in challenges like this and many others that have appeared in recent years:

  1. Not because something is on the Internet, it means it's true.
  2. People may not be who they say they really are.
  3. Do not trust strangers and much less give personal information.
  4. No one is obliged to meet or follow fashions or challenges, does not need the approval of others.
  5. If in doubt, it is best to consult with your parents.

Teach our children to differentiate and identify potential hazards They can find online or things that may affect them in their personal lives, it is key for them to exercise good use of social networks.

Something that we must also take into account, is to cultivate security in themselves. When a child feels confident, he does not need the approval of others. Let them know that they do not need to follow or make any ridiculous challenge to feel that they are accepted by their peers.

In the particular case of this terrible challenge, it is important to talk with them and explain to them the possible dangers they may face if they participate in something like that, where they are held incommunicado with their families and nobody knows where they are. As parents we should foster a good relationship with our children, so that they know that, when they want to talk to us, We will always be willing to listen to you and have a good communication.

Video: 48 Hour Facebook Challenge prank targeting kids has parents on edge (July 2024).