Avoid accidents in children under two years old

We often talk on the blog of the risks for babies and children, and it is that, although it is not necessary to be obsessed with the security, some measures and much attention with the smallest are necessary.

The biggest risks are accidents and falls, many of which occur at home, which is probably where we let our guard down and where we spend more time with babies. That's why it's always good to remember some guidelines to prevent accidents in children under two years old, and soon we will return with the elders.

Here are some safety tips:

  • If the baby sleeps in the crib, we must adapt the rails of the crib to the child's age and always use an approved crib (adequate separation of bars, non-toxic paints and varnishes ...).

  • If the colecho is practiced, it must be done safely and safely, on a firm surface, adequate temperature, without cushions, no smoking ...

  • The children must have age-appropriate toys, we have to avoid small or removable objects and be careful with the paint. Safety in toys is important since they are babies.

  • Do not leave visible plugs, we must protect them.

  • Next to the plugs, the rest of the heat sources in the home must be controlled: the radiators have to wear protectors, the stoves are not within reach, the kitchen utensils and hot meals in places where they cannot dump them, avoid matches or lighters ...

  • Let us watch carefully that the child is not around while we iron or do other dangerous activities.

  • The kitchen is a strategic point of the home in terms of dangers. It is safer that the child is not in the kitchen when we are cooking.

  • For cooking, let us always use the inner cookers whenever possible and put the handle of the saucepan or pan inside.

  • When the oven is on we must prevent the child from approaching, since the transparent doors attract your attention and can burn.

  • Keep medications locked Out of reach of children, they often have shapes and colors that remind of candies, but they are not and can become very dangerous. The most frequent poisonings in childhood are caused by medications in the first place, and by household products that we discuss below.

  • We remove household cleaning products from children, never store them in bottles or soda bottles.

  • We must avoid or keep out of sight and reach cleaning products with attractive shape, color and smell for children.

  • The child must travel in the back seat of the car conveniently secured by the appropriate restraint system. For travel, special car seats are essential.

  • We must not let him eat candy or nuts until he is three years old. At this age we can start offering them, educating them in the right way to eat them.

  • Be careful not to leave small objects within the reach of the child: coins, buttons ... and watch out for the toys of siblings that correspond to another age. Remember that the little machines carry button batteries which are very dangerous if ingested by children.

  • We must prevent children from using plastic bags as toys, they could put their head inside them and suffocate.

  • A child alone in the bathroom is a danger, as it could slip and hit or drown, we should not leave them alone for a moment in the bathtub, in the sea or in the pool. Let's watch the child also when he is near a swimming pool or the sea, or when bathing in inflatable pools.

  • Take care that knives, scissors and other sharp elements are not within reach of children.

  • When we go down the street or we are in the park, we must keep in mind the safety tips for children who begin to walk, as well as when we are at home, because at these ages the dangers multiply.

Babies and children are not aware of the danger, so they will continue their eagerness to explore everything, and it is we who must ensure their safety and avoid accidents of young children as far as possible. We will be back soon with more tips for older children.

Video: How to Help a Child Stop Wetting the Bed (July 2024).