This has been done a lifetime and look: we have not gone so bad

The world does not change in two days. In fact, it doesn't even change in two years, nor in two decades. And I say it because decades is what has happened since we were children and our parents, teachers and other adults gave us an education.

They did it the best they knew and could, following the patterns, instincts and recommendations of that time, when the predominant educational style was authoritarianism. A style that achieved the obedience of children above the rest, and whose consequences many are still dragging.

Consequences? What the hell am I talking about? Yes "This has been done a lifetime and we have not gone so badly", no?

When it didn't matter what we wanted or thought

I speak of that era of childhood in which we had to be silent when adults spoke, quiet in class and silent if the intention was to open their mouths to reply, because "the elders are not answered."


I speak of that time in which we worked based on awards, and above all based on punishment: those horrible and uneducated copies, about being left without a patio, about taking you to another class so that others would see that you had misbehaved, about "punished your room", "you have run out of dessert", "because I say it "," while living under my roof "or receiving cheeks, even from teachers (I lived it, and I saw it with my own eyes: teachers hitting us to impose discipline). How difficult was it to make us accomplices of our destiny? How difficult was it to educate us to be fair? How difficult was it to educate us by example?

They taught us to memorize and not to think, because education was that the elders would tell us what we had to do, think and say. In many cases they even nullified our decision power by considering that we were never too old or mature to choose how to live our lives. And so we reach many adolescents having, for the first time, to make decisions for which we were not prepared, because we have never before been allowed to weigh pros and cons, study the options and know the possible consequences. And be careful, "don't be wrong with the decision or let me down" (that is, choose well: choose what I would choose, my son).

And of those muds, these muds

Our childhoods, that era of marked authoritarianism, made many children what they are now; who we are today

Of course there are good people: there are many good people. But not thanks to the education we receive, but in spite of it. We all have our lights and our shadows, and we are very good at saying that "everything is going well", smiling, and "call me and stay", even if you don't feel like doing it.

We have learned to be hypocrites, to believe and make believe that we are all happy, when in reality we are all so drowned by the responsibilities that we have left, in recent years, take away many of our rights, and in a way our dignity, victims of a crisis that is not our fault. So much stress, so many obligations, that we barely have time or strength to fight for a better life, because when we would have to do so, we prefer to disconnect from our lives engrossed on television, encouraging the football team on duty or traveling to show the world how well We've had it in this or that place.

You could say, in fact, that we have reached a point where our emotional disability it is more than evident, unable to help those who are having a bad time, because it is already known: "eyes that do not see, heart that does not feel". Moreover, often even when you want to help you do it wrong, because as a child they taught us not to feel and turn our backs on negative emotions: don't cry, don't complain, smile, be happy and hey, it won't be that bad. And we don't know how to act when another suffers.

In other words: We were born to be free and try to be happy. First, I would say not much; and the second ... well, you know, we play it, but I don't know anyone who doesn't yearn for a major change in their lives: to be able to work less, to be able to travel everywhere, to be able to dedicate more time to their children, or more time to their hobbies. , that not even of that we have time; We are leaving them for when the lottery touches us or we retire. Painful.

What are you talking about, Armando? The world works like this!

Yes, already. Got it now. The world is capitalist, it moves by interest and everyone tries to have more: more money, more power, more whatever. And it has been that way for centuries, or millennia, created by men and for men. A world that has not yet achieved equality between men and women and that barely has children ... It is what we have had to live.

Now, am I the only one who thinks we can do something to improve it? Really? Because yes, our parents and teachers educated us in the best way they could and knew, but we we have a moral obligation to do better, better. Leave a moment the series that you are watching and put the news; and read the newspapers (but look for good sources, because many media will not even tell you the truth).

That, the world you see in the news is the world in which you live. In the 21st century there are people dying of hunger and cold, because of wars and because of weapons manufactured by the more developed countries, so that they are used where there are conflicts, normally, because they have wealth to explode under the ground.

Come on, I'm not discovering anything! That we all know that liars and corrupt rule us and we keep voting... do we not deserve that our rulers have at least the same ethics and morals as their citizens? That they are even better than us? Because I see nothing but corruption and manipulation everywhere, and I am very worried about the world we are leaving to our children.

And the children we leave to our world

And as we cannot change the world, because those who control it are the great world elites who never show their faces but handle all the threads, at least we can ensure leave better people in the world. Critical, fighter, conscious, empathic, fair and supportive person: our children.

Will we achieve it, with an education based on respect, even based on science according to Harvard scholars? Well, I don't know, but you have to try.

You have to try because every time someone says that "we were educated like this and we have not gone so bad" dies a kitten. Well, okay: no kitty dies, but we turn our backs on the possibility of doing a silent revolution commanded by love and respect. Which is precisely what is missing most in our world: love and respect.

And if you don't believe it, turn on the television, put on the news, and realize how many things would stop happening if in our hearts there was more love and respect, and less hate and craving for power. That love and respect that we needed as children and that at many times were supplied by humiliations, punishments, cheeks and the obligation to behave like others considered that we should, in their image and likeness, educated as obedient pets and not as people of the future.

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In Babies and more | “This has been done all my life and nothing has happened to us” (I) and (II), I do let my children cry (because I want them to be balanced children)

Video: Dance Moms: An Unhappy Mini Season 6 Flashback. Lifetime (June 2024).