Prenatal stimulation for the good mental and sensory development of the baby

According to the gynecologist Edgard Gurreonero, prenatal stimulation is very important, since it encourages the baby to be born with large doses of dynamism, with more curiosity and much more sociability. Apparently, the transmission of positive stimuli by the parents motivates greater learning in the child.

The brain of a baby develops fully during the second half of pregnancy, an adequate stimulation means giving the baby an advantage with which to face the world, since it acts on its neuronal structure at the right time, just when it is more “moldable " It is done during the second half of pregnancy because during the first half, your senses are not yet developed and they need to be, because this stimulation only works through the senses.

Although in reality the sense that is most used for this stimulation is the ear, which is usually developed from the fourth month of pregnancy, one way to promote this type of stimulation is to listen to classical music. It is found that the neural connections begin 17 days after conception and new connections develop as the gestation time passes, reaching in the eighth month up to an amount 3 times higher than that of an adult. The bad thing is that these neurons die before delivery, up to 50%. Do not be alarmed, this is a natural process due to the lack of stimuli. That is why prenatal stimulation is so important because this avoids the death of neurons by providing them with stimuli so that connections can be affirmed.

The results are surprising, thanks to these data, the child's ability in intelligence and emotions can be enhanced. But we must remember that everything is a set, a recommended diet, physical exercises, proper monitoring by the doctor, etc., all so that the baby is born healthy and has a full development.

Video: How To Stimulate Healthy Brain Development In Your Child. UCLA Health (July 2024).