The crazy socks of John, who has Down syndrome, a millionaire and very supportive business that breaks stereotypes

The Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau and the former President of the United States, George H.W. Bush are some of the personalities who already wear a couple of socks from 'John's Crazy Shocks' (John's crazy socks).

And is that the signature of socks already has invoiced 1.7 million dollars (1,463,000 euros) in a year, in addition to raising $ 30,000 (about 26,000 euros) for charities.

Behind this company is John Lee Cronin, a 21-year-old from New York, with Down syndrome, and his father, Mark. And his initiative has bewitched us. We did not want to miss the opportunity to share with you ** a story that shows who wants, can, and that children with special needs can do great things.

How far can children with disabilities reach adults?, like Down syndrome, it is something that only time will tell us.

This is also explained by the architects of this online initiative when telling the story of your company:

"We have a social mission and a commercial mission, and they are inseparable. We want to show what is possible when someone is given an opportunity. Every day, we demonstrate what people with intellectual disabilities can do. And we believe in giving back: we donate five percent of our winnings to the Special Olympics, as they have played a vital role in John's development. That's why we also create 'conscience' socks with specific topics such as autism and Down syndrome. "

A goal: to spread happiness

As John and Mark themselves continue to explain on their website, their story began in the fall of 2016. John had entered his last year institute at Huntington High School and Wilson Tech, where he studied retail sales and customer service. At the same time, his father, Mark, was starting to launch an online business.

Then, John told his father: "I want to do business with you". They had already collaborated together before and decided by mutual agreement that the best solution was to create a new job opportunity.

But what business idea? John's first suggestion was: "A fun store". And then came his Eureka moment: "Let's sell crazy socks". He even had the name of the business and some drawings. To the question of why the socks, John answers on his website:

"I've used crazy socks all my life. They're fun, colorful and creative. They let me be me."

Photos | John's crazy socks

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