Atopic dermatitis: 11 tips to keep it at bay in babies and children

Atopic dermatitis is an inflammatory skin disease that affects approximately 20% of children under six, an incidence that has increased markedly in developed countries in recent years. Currently, it is believed that one in three newborn children will develop the condition. In fact, It is the most common skin disease in children and the one that motivates more visits to the pediatrician.

It is a disease associated with an imbalance of the immune system whose origins have a large genetic component but also increasingly influenced by environmental conditions.

It manifests with desquamations, dryness and reddish lesions that produce itching. These usually appear in rounded areas in babies (chin, knees, elbows, forehead) and inside the elbows, behind the knees, feet, hands, torso and neck in children.

Atopic dermatitis tends to erupt when exposed to irritating factors such as: industrial chemical solvents, detergents, tobacco smoke, bleaching paints, wool, acidic and / or astringent foods, skin care products that contain alcohol and some soaps and perfumes. Is a chronic disease in which intermittent outbreaks and remission phases alternate.

In 45% of cases, atopic dermatitis appears before six months of life, in 60% it appears before the year of life and in 85% before the five years. Although it is estimated that in 70% of cases it disappears in adolescence.

11 tips to take care of atopic dermatitis

  1. It is recommended avoid as much as possible those factors that could trigger an outbreak of atopic dermatitis, such as excessive temperature, low humidity or contact with certain tissues, such as wool or silk.

  2. The exposure of sun damaged areas It could be beneficial, as long as the patient is not being treated with oral or topical antihistamines.

  3. It is not advisable to bathe the child daily, and it is preferable, unless necessary, that the frequency is not greater than 2-3 baths / showers weekly. However, there are studies that ensure that daily bathing is not bad for children with atopic dermatitis, provided that hydration after bathing is abundant.

  4. Must be avoid scratching the lesions, since it can lead to more important injuries and even dermal infections. In young children, it is advisable to cut their nails to prevent injury to the skin when scratching.

  5. It is recommended isolate dermal lesions with light clothing or gloves, which do not tighten and allow perspiration. Cotton is one of the most suitable tissues for patients with atopic dermatitis.

  6. Prevent the child from sweating and so the skin can get irritated. If you sweat, wash immediately.

  7. It is recommended that children with atopic dermatitis bathe with warm water (between 25 and 33 degrees, too hot water dries the skin), for about 10 minutes maximum. The addition of emollient substances, such as the oats, bath water could improve the condition of the skin.

  8. It is advised to use a slightly acidic pH soap (5.5-6) to protect the fatty mantle of the skin, and without irritating agents.

  9. After the bath, with the skin still moist, apply a bath oil. Dry the skin without rubbing with a soft towel, and apply an emollient cream, being especially recommended those that contain in their composition omega fatty acids.

  10. There are drugs such as corticosteroids and immunosuppressants that have proven effective in eliminating the symptoms of seizures. However, they must follow the doctor's recommendations and / or the pharmacist so that its use is made with the highest possible safety guarantees, especially as regards the dose.

  11. Aerate the house every day and do not abuse heating in winter. Sudden changes in temperature can trigger an outbreak.

Video: Atopic Dermatitis: What is Atopic Dermatitis? Mustela (July 2024).