Infant teachers only serve to change diapers

"Does it make sense, when we are concerned about the optimization of resources, that people have to pass an opposition that what they essentially do is make babies take a nap and change their diapers? ". This statement by Xavier Darcos himself, French Minister of Education It has unleashed an unprecedented controversy.

His claim, regarding nursery schools of 2 year olds, is to increase the ratio of students per teacher and reduce their training, as inferred from their statements. More or less what is happening in several Spanish Communities. Although no one here has dared to use this language the reduction of training, the size of the classrooms and the number of teachers reveals the same lack of concern for attending in the best possible way the needs of the children who have to go to school. I believe that younger children are no better than at home in any school and that their families can certainly meet their socialization and learning needs much better than any institution. However, when parents believe it is better for them to go to a nursery school or when there is no other choice, then they should try their best. And that is not achieved by reducing budgets, teachers and space. The statements of the Minister, however, have been very, very revealing of the true reasons for some things around us. And they have unleashed a wave of criticism from teachers that will also deserve comments.

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Video: How to Change a Diaper - The Right Way for Changing a Babys Diaper (July 2024).