Forbidden shorts in classrooms to more than 30 degrees: an institute does not allow girls to take this garment to class

Classes began in September and students have had to withstand temperatures above 30 degrees in classrooms without fans or air conditioning. As a result of this that is not solved, despite the fact that in Spain the temperatures are high during several school months, another problem arises: that of the dress with which the students go to the classrooms.

The shorts are fashionable and almost all young girls wear them in summer, and also when it comes to class when it's still hot. But it is a garment that has caused controversy in recent days because the Torrevigía Institute in Torrevieja, Alicante, prohibits girls from wearing shorts because they are considered, as the students report "provocative or inappropriate clothing".

No shorts for them, no braces for them

Although they had been coming to the center in shorts since the beginning of the course, according to the girls On Friday, girls who were in shorts were banned from class. He separated them from the rest and took them to the library as a punishment without allowing them to teach like the other students, only those who complied with the center's regulations were allowed to enter.

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Before this event, some seventy girls came in shorts yesterday as a protest claiming the repeal of the agreement of the School Board that prohibits them to wear shorts in class, a measure that they consider "machista", that foments the inequality and of little common sense given the high temperatures:

"Obviously without air conditioning or anything like that, at 30 degrees and with the sun entering through all the windows. Well, to all this, we must add that we have to go in long pants," they say.

The boys are also affected by the regulations of the center, since they have prohibited to wear tank top, although for girls it is allowed, as we can see above in the section on clothing of the center's regulations.

Dress code in institutes

Private and concerted centers establish the use of uniform, but public centers are governed each by your own dress code, regulations approved by the school board, composed of representatives of the board, teachers, parents and students.

They may even have regulations differentiated by sex, as in this center, where boys are prohibited from tank tops but not girls.

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Any of the parties can show their disagreement with any of the rules, which is what a group of girls proposed last week, as well as the parents who ask that the prohibition of shorts be terminated.

The response of the direction of the center was that the length of the pants was established by the knee, and that was not going to change. In the regulations of the institute it is specified that all those garments that may hinder academic normality are prohibited "for attracting attention or denoting lack of care or personal hygiene".

Logic is what should be a priority in conflicts of this kind, since there is a fine line that separates them from the discrimination in something as personal as the way you dress, don't you think?

Video: 10 Things Men Need To STOP Wearing At The Gym! (July 2024).