How to treat milk crust

The milk crust or infant crust it is a sebum secretion that appears in the head in the form of small yellowish scabs, white or gray and that is quite common in the first months of life of babies.

Despite the name it receives, it has nothing to do with the milk with which they feed, but it appears because in these first moments the skin of the little ones is especially oily and suffers a disorder due to the poor regulation of the fatty level of the dermis

We should not worry because, beyond an aesthetic inconvenience, these small scales they don't bother the baby. Therefore, we should not be alarmed, and in most cases the milk scab disappears on its own over time.

In almost all babies the flaky layer is very thin and in localized areas, and can disappear with a simple rub with mild soap during the bath. But if it increases in volume, there are some little tricks to prevent it from expanding and make the little scalp breathe better.

If the scabs are very thick and resist a simple bath, the remedy would be smear them with petroleum jelly (more comfortable if it is liquid petrolatum) or oil (almonds, olive or avocado) half an hour before the bath, which will soften.

Then, wash your head by rubbing with soap and rinse thoroughly. Most likely, they do not disappear on the first day, but little by little, and with a soft brush, the scab remits.

If the case is rebellious, we consult the pediatrician in case it is a symptom of another problem and some medical solution should be applied. In any case, the scabs should not be scratched or try to peel them off with nails.

Video: Cradle cap also known as crusta lactea, milk crust, honeycomb disease (July 2024).