Pregnant executives also travel

The new Spanish defense minister Carme Chacón, seven months pregnant, has unleashed a great controversy in society. First, on the appointment of a woman, and on top of pregnant women, at the head of a “men's” ministry that is increasingly “women's”, and then her trip to Afghanistan with personal medical assistance at her disposal, a situation that also It would have happened if there were a minister with heart problems instead.

But here is that the minister is not the only pregnant woman who travels for work, much less. According to the European Insurance company 140,000 pregnant women travel every year for work reasons, representing 2% of the 7 million trips for business trips that are made annually.

Not all future moms have the possibility of having a medical team to accompany them, so it is recommended to avoid travel during the third trimester of pregnancy. In fact, most airlines do not allow it, unless the pregnant woman has express medical authorization.

Of course, being pregnant is not an impediment to travel, but a risk factor that forces you to be more cautious. Therefore, depending on the destination, each woman must take appropriate preventive measures to avoid risks.

For example, if you travel to countries in some regions of Africa, Latin America or Asia where there are health problems, you should be informed of vaccines and medications that pregnant women should avoid.

They should also wear comfortable clothes, avoid eating undercooked meat and fish, constantly hydrate and not consume drinks that are not bottled, nor ice.

All recommendations that we imagine that the minister will have taken into account in her first official trip.

Video: Surveillance of Emerging Threats to Pregnant Women (July 2024).