In India they give grants to couples so they have fewer children

Yesterday we talked about how in Spain birth rates are declining, being already the lowest in Europe, and how despite this the birth aid is disappearing.

Well, the situation we are living in our country clashes with the one in India, where Helps are being given for women to delay the moment of being mothers.

The intention is to slow down population growth and improve the health status of women, given that those with younger children have a higher mortality rate.

This is happening in Maharashtra, in the central west of the country, and the aid has been called "honeymoon." This is a contribution of 76 euros (5,000 rupees) if a couple he has no children in the first two years of marriage. In the event that another year passes, this aid increases with an additional 2,500 rupees (about 38 euros).

It is true that it seems like little money, but there in India, for example, a fruit orchard can earn about Rs 3,000 per month. This makes it A very suggestive help for many families.

In order to receive this money, recent marriages have to participate in family planning courses that take place on a quarterly basis. This program includes free contraceptive methods (condoms and birth control pills) and also includes the possibility of having abortions if a couple so decides.

India is the second most populous country in the world and these measures appear because In the last 10 years its population has increased by 181 million inhabitants.

The truth is that it is the least curious, perhaps I should even say strange, to observe that there are areas of the world where births are so low that in the long term there will be a lack of population and in other areas there are so many births that try to stop births.

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